Question: please? :P?

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ok so i have this problem. it's kinda weird but yeah. i heard this girl doesn't like me right, so i don't talk to her a lot and it's all good. but lately, i have one class with her, and i feel like the whole time she's staring at me. when i look over, she IS staring at me! it's really scary. like in every class even if she isn't there, i always think she's like thinking of me or something. some people say she's jealous but i think it's more like obsessed?! help please? :(




  1. omg...thats is weird....okay all you can do is DONT LOOK AT HER.....dont talk to her.....dont even get near that freak.....she will eventually leave you alone

  2. She is just weird! idk y she would b looking at u all da time just try 2 ignore her as much as u can it might hard but do it and if she sits 2 close to u in class ask the teacher 2 move u! k hope i helped. Gooluck!

  3. Go up to her and ask her "Hey, aren't you in [teacher's name]'s class? Even if she replies negatively, ask her if she has a problem with you and you'll get your answer.

  4. Oh, My god.

    It does sound like she is obsessed.

    is she a L*****n maybe?

    Like seriously, you don't just stare at someone for no reason.. i think that is weird!


  5. oh my, freakyyy.

    she might be obsessed or doing that on purpose

    who knows? talk to her and tell her to stop

    ..eeeekkk D: scary scary

  6. Avoid her, sit somewhere else in class. Never stare back.

    Thats creepy.

    Does she make like a mean face at you? That means she doesnt like you.

    If she just stares theres something wrong with her..

    tell ur friends .. maybe theyll do somethin bout it.

  7. she is probably possessed by the jin, shes always thinking something about about you that is either really really bad or just trying to get over you its why you will feel her presence of thought even when she is not there

  8. I bet that this girl IS jealous of you, and she's watching you so she can figure out how to be more like you.  Sure, it's a little creepy, but you should be flattered.  Imagine it like you seeing a girl with an awsome pair of shoes- you can't stop staring at her shoes, can you?  Or maybe it's the way she talks, or does her hair, or stands with such a good posture, or whatever.  Sure, this girl is being rude by staring, but really I think it just means she's trying to figure out how to be like you.

  9. She mite be staring at you cuz you keep looking at her. Just try to ignore her or try talking to her about why she doesnt like u

  10. Maybe she thinks you have a problem with her, I think you should talk to her and find out what her problem is

  11. Talk to her, don't worry, it is better to know what is happening...and resolve it. It will be faster and better for you.

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