
Arizonan Dust Storms?

by Guest61902  |  earlier

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The wind is blowing at 60 mph or more, and I live in a dust bowl. It's so bad I can't see the house across from me, should I be scared? lol. Is there ever any dust storms like this anywhere in the USA besides Arizona?




  1. It does happen in Texas too.  I was in Austin once and some strong westerly winds brought in a lot of dust from the hill country.  The wind wasn't blowing that hard but you couldn't see more than a couple hundred yards.  It felt nasty too.

    BTW this is really common in Arizona.  Get ready to see it this summer when thunderstorm winds push away from the storms and create major duststorms.

  2. Yes in Texas during the dust bowl days. It is a little scary but stay out of it as Much as possible.

  3. no, your fine, h**l you can go outside if you wanted to, altho drivers and allergies are potential hazards. and no, the only places with dust storms are flat, open land with very dry ground

  4. I think you should be scared. have you ever read the book The Dust Bowl?

  5. Nope you cant get any dust storms in the dust bowl Ive lived there for 5 years and i didnt see any dust storms.
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