
Art projects for preschoolers?

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I just started a new job at a preschool and we need more art projects. we have about 14 kids and some of them are pretty young, so nothing that involves sand or more than 5 supplies, please.




  1. Creative art is the best way to go for I'd say 3 out of the 5 days. Give them paper and materials and let them create what they want. There are ways to switch it up of course... different colored paper, different shaped paper. Markers, crayons, paint, shaving cream, pudding. And don't forget to think about what you create with: hands, paintbrush, feathers, spaghetti, marbles, string, forks. And also what you can add: glue, buttons, feathers, glitter, tissue paper, confetti, sand, noodles.

    Then choose a couple days to have product oriented art... making it look like something. Link it to your theme... create a class picture of whatever you're learning about.

    Here are some websites to search for more ideas:

  2. finger painting is easy and fun. the teachers did this when my child was in preschool. she loved it!

    you could also use glue. children love that.

  3. painting is pretty easy.Give them a paintbrush and paper

    drawing is simple as well.

    Help them to make maraccas it needs toilet rolls, beans, paper and rubber bands around the paper to cover the holes.

    paper hats.

    I suggest anything with a lot of glue can end up messy

  4. There are allot of things you can make with copy paper, crayons, paper plates and string.  You can make a different animal mask everyday. No matter how young a child is they love to play makebelive. Use the paper plate as the focal point. Be sure to cut eyes out so the children can see. If you do not have a hole punch a pencil will do. On the side of the plate make a hole for the string. Use the crayons and copy paper to make ears and other things for your face. Use your imagination. It will take you far and it won't cost an arm and a leg. You can also go to your local title 20 center. This is the place where people get sub. daycare. They help the parents with the cost of childcare and are happy to give out free art supplies and loan other material. Talk to your local craft store and see what it will take for them to donate to the center. They have all kinds of things in the back room collecting dust and are happy to be rid of it.

    Having the children trace their body parts on paper too is helpful to them. It helps teach left from right and promotes writing skills.

    Best of luck and come see us..

  5. Crayola Model Magic Clay You Can Let Them Make Anything out of that

  6. instant pudding painting, just add water and pretend to finger paint and they can l**k their hands and all, for children this young "true" art is about exploring the medium being used, they dont' really care about the outcome. LIke in finger painting when they do it over and over until it turns brown, they don't care,they are feeling the art medium being used. that is their goal, the experience

  7. Here is a link to a website that has arts & crafts project information specifically for preschoolers that might also be helpful:

  8. make dream catchers!!!

    cut out the center of a paper plage and punch holes around the edge.

    string yarn through the holes in a random crisscrossing pattern, stringing on beads too

    attach feathers and color in the plate.

    instant easy artsy fun!

  9. Well I've been in preschool for almost 5 years and I'm the curriculum planner.

    I've gotten some great ideas from the following sources:

    The Mailbox magazine


    I don't know how you plan the curriculum but with mine I go by themes that I plan a month ahead of time. My upcoming theme for this week is the circus.

    We are taking extra large coffee filters (from craft store) and cutting them so the children can wear them like the clowns do around their necks. We are going to let them eye drop watered down food coloring onto the filters to create polkadots or tiedye effects.

    We are making elephant headbands. Very simple for beginning cutters. Just take a two inch wide long piece of construction paper and draw a line down the middle. The children cut straight down the line. Then using gray paper we trace elephant ears (large and round) that the children cut. We stick these to the headband and they can have an elephant parade.

    Try symmetry painting where you fold a paper in half. Only allow them to paint on one side. I tell the children to fold the paper shut and smoooosh the paint around. Then I ask them "are you ready to see what you made? 1 ... 2... 3 " and then I show them. They love trying to interpret what they made.

    Take a look at the above sites ... this is how I got started when I first became the curriculum planner and it helped me a great deal.

  10. have a feet and hand painting project. these will teach children creativity and the use of their feet and hands for fun.

  11. HI , ITS good

  12. dinosaurs

    we did dinosaurs with paper ma shay long ,short ,all types each one was about half a meter high and then we made like a forest and put them in the four for children and parent to see as coming in and out

  13. Use an array of objects to paint with, not just a brush.  Cooking utensils make great brushes.  Forks, hand graters, butter knives, sponges etc.  Use different textured papers.  My class loves to place paper over bubble wrap and finger paint on the paper.  We have also painted our feet  and stepped on paper placed over a large piece of bubble wrap.  Paper bags, glue and miscellaneous craft objects make wonderful puppets.  Preschoolers should be completing open ended art projects not pre- planned crafts.

    My all time favorite activity involves reading Go Away Big Green Monster.  The children were given playdoh and asked if they could make a monster.  Children shared colors, descried their monsters to friends and the project lasted a long time.  We then took pictures of their monsters and made a class monster book.  Children illustrated around the photo and dictated a sentence or two for the story line.  The class was very proud of their books and monsters.  My class was 3 and 4 years old.

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