
Aryan's (Hitler Race)?

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Okay, I have a question....

I've been studying the Holocaust. I'm quite interested in it as morbid as that sounds...... But, anyways. I've been looking up things about the Aryans

All I ever find is that they have Nordic Features.... meaning they have blonde hair and blue eyes....

Hitler had daek brown hair and green eyes and so did most of the n***s and the Gestapo..... So, what are they really?




  1. X-jews. Really!

  2. There are some philosophers who could speak about theories for hours.  Nobody knows the true answer.

  3. Hitler thought it was the supreme race even though he wasn't blonde and blue eyed he was still the leader of those people and it was another good reason to get rid of jews and polish and russians. that's why most northern euro countries werent against him except for england. that's why almost every country thats to the south or east was against it. im from the north so i dont have a problem with him.

  4. There is no scientific evidence of a true race called Aryans.  The concept was created in a German book popular when Hitler was a child.  Germanic peoples include Nordic people, and descend from the Celts, who are part of the Indo-Europeans.  As you say, Hitler certainly does not appear Aryan, and was probably the illegitimate child of his Mother's lover, a rich Jew.

  5. Here's one to think about. If the Aryan's were the so called "master race" why are they so darned paranoid about everyone else being in control? Additionally, if the Aryan's were these blond hair and blue eyed people, why have they morphed  into skinheads? Or is this just another case of dumb, dumber and WAY stupid?

  6. i am a huge researcher of the holocaust too....

    you have already been given a good explanation about the supreme race but heres another little tidbit for you...

    adolf hitler was like a quarter jewish as well. he was an artist who would try and sell his paintings on the streets in vienna. he was rejected from a jewish art school as a teenager....

    im not saying these facts are why hitler hated the jews, there are lots of reasoning behind it but i think its interesting to know that....

    you should try and read his book mein kempf....its a crazy messed up book but it sheds some light onto his ideas.

  7. Where did you dig up the information about most of the n***s and Gestapo having green eyes and dark brown hair ?
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