
As a Greek Orthodox...?

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Would you take communion in the church of the Antioch?

Say that you weren't in Greece, and you didn't want to go to the regular church. The full title is "The Greek Orthodox Church of the Antioch"




  1. Irrelevant. Aren't you afraid this question may be erased too.

    The hateful people are all around us.

    All they do, is waiting for the night to do their work again.

    But yes, I would take communion from that church. That is if I ever take one.

  2. YES, I would.

  3. If the doctorine is the same in that church as reconized by the patrachio..and the priest was ordiained in the orthodox course as long as the church is truly in sinc with the greek orthodox faith..but also being a free spirit i belive god is every yes i would take the comunion at antioch.

  4. The Greek Orthodox Church of the Antioch is an Eastern Orthodox Church like the Greek one, so therefore you can take communion from it.

  5. It sounds like it is under the Eastern Orthodox Antiochian patriarchate so there is no issues with reciving communion there.  Since we are the same faith.

    However if it were Coptic Armenian Ethopian or Syriac

    they would not be in communion with us eastern Orthodox Christians.

  6. I would, yes. Would you?

  7. I consider all temples/churches of all religions holy places. Even the remains of a temple of Apollo are holy place for me and I respect it, even though noone makes his offerings to him nowadays. There was a time when people used to go there to pray. So it is still holy ground in my mind. Yes I would take communion in the church of Antioch. After all they are christians like us. I don't see the problem.

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