
As a paranormal investigator will you?

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make sure to work on Halloween or is that just another night to you?




  1. Sorry, the office is closed on Holidays. [hallowdays]


  2. Sure, I'll be working that night. Tradition states that Halloween is the one day of the year when the barrier between our world and the one ghosts inhabit is thinner, so we should be able to get lots more data than perhaps next Wednesday. My brother and a couple friends of his started the group I'm involved in, and we usually went on Thursdays, but we switched to Wednesdays because it works better for everyone involved.

    Everytime we go out, we catch something. How's this to bake your brain? Using a digital camera, some of the pictures were double exposed at one of the places we went to. There was nothing different that night that set it apart from any other time we went out, but we got some of our best pictures ever.

  3. As a Paranormal Investigator, our group had gone to cemeteries to do investigations and have sometimes gotten nothing.  Now, we look at as another day.

        Our group will be investigating an old Mansion that is kept up but empty and we have been doing an ongoing investigation there for awhile now as we have a Member of the Board with us during our investigations and she has seen and heard so much for herself that we will be investigating this place for sometime to come.  It was built in 1841 and was a large part of the Underground Railroad for this area.

           So, to be honest, we'll just have to wait and see what happens on Halloween.  Although the worst night to be looking for ghosts and voices is the night after Halloween.  On All Saints Day.  That is when you truly better no what your doing as that is when the dark side celebrates.

  4. I will go on as normal normal (get it a pair of normals)

    Now that's funny

  5. Too many distractions on that night.  I would take it off.

  6. I sure hope not.The Ghosts should have at least one night of peace.They are people after all.How would you like to be chased around,hunted and be exposed to the world.Paranormal Investigators are worse then paparazzi.At least Britney Spears can get away.These ghoulish paranormal investigators need to get a life.Leave the dead alone,they are people too!!!

  7. Halloween has no particular signifcants to it for paranormal investigators.  It happens that halloween falls on a Wednesday this year and I will be going to work the next morning, so nope.

  8. I think i will have the night off.

  9. just another night for me. there is not set time where paranormal activity becomes more active. Just Halloween because of the traditions behind it seems spookier. personally, I dont go anywhere on Halloween, I dont celebrate it, and I dont party because of it. I dont believe in Pagan holidays, nor do i allow any occult activity on my team. theres no room for that c**p when your trying to look for evidence.

  10. Halloween is the best night for paranormal investigation since tradition has it that it's the one night of the year when the veil that separates our world from that other realm is thinnest on Halloween.

    Woo-hoo! Extra ectoplasm for everyone!

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