
As a <span title="parent.......................?">parent......................</span>

by  |  earlier

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What is your/was your biggest fear as a parent and how did/do over-come it??? Pre-schooling, 1st grade, high school.... The works...




  1. Probably my 2 biggest worries are that he would become seriously ill or die, and also that he wouldn&#039;t come to know Jesus as his Savior.  

    To overcome it?  I guess just know that it&#039;s out of my hands and all I can do is pray for his safety and his salvation.

  2. my son passing before i do!!!! i have no idea how i would take it im so use to his smile and crazyness i would miss him more then i can imagine! if you think bout it kids will be kids nothing really to fear just hope for the best. cuz you cant stop them from doing drugs, having s*x, or partying, no matter how messed up they are you know you&#039;ll have them but if they pass who would you have?

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