
Asking a guy out...?

by  |  earlier

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want to ask this guy i like out. let's call him N.

a few months ago on the bus he got his friend 2 ask me if i liked him, but of course i said no.

i've liked him since last summer.

during the school year, somehow someone found out i liked him and it went around the school.

his house is right around the corner from mine.

i have his phone number. yesterday i was with my friends, and i wanted to call & ask him out. my friend kaya dialed & when N's mom answered she asked for N and the mom yelleed {N's full name} YOU HAVE A PHONE CALL! N said hi, i flipped out & hung up.

i'd much rather ask him face to face, but he is almost always surrounded in friends.

i can't email/im him.

what should i say? how do i say it? while asking him out.

cant have him over. i'm a young teen.

also, we're not really friends. i mean some of his friends are friends with my friends, but i think i've spoken a total of under ten words to him.i don't like him just because he's hot. i mean, he is, but he's also smart & funny & athletic. i know a bit about him, cuz my two best friends were both really colse friends with him at a time.




  1. call him and say can i meat with you and only you some time. then tell him you think hes really nice and cute and ask him if he wants to have lunch.

  2. just try to hang out with "N" and you will be alone at some point. i know that if a girl likes me then i would just like them to tell me. he will probably like you to. if not then he will let you down easy, if he doesn't then he is a jerk and you don't want to go out with him if he in a jerk.

  3. This probably wont help much, but I know exactly how you feel! It's like you don't want him to know that you like him, but if you don't tell him you feel as though you'll miss out on the chance of your life. I hate that feeling! What I would do (if I had the guts to- hahaha) is be nice to him and say hello and smile whenever he sees you, that way it won't be too obvious. Become friends with him and then you'll get to know him more and- who knows- maybe in the future he'll admit that he likes you too or if not, tell him yourself. It kinda sounds like he likes you. Just take it slow. =)

  4. just ask him out!

    hes just like you except with a p***s.

  5. Suggest that your group of friends & his group of friends all go out to the movies & lunch or dinner sometime, then find some alone time with him then. Start slow, be cool & don't do anything embarrassing!! Good luck!!~

  6. im sorry im in the same situation.

    so i have no adivice.

    but good luck!

  7. call him ask him to like come over your house to hang out or something and then ask him...
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