
Assignment Help For School?

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For our Language Arts class we are doing a mystery... I know itt's stupid. Half of the class is writing about a life changing experience that is true and the other half is writing about one that is false. I am in the false group so what would be a really great life changing experience that seems true?




  1. A murder, like an accidental one... prank gone bad? That HAS to be covered up/ Simple, classic, and a million ways to write it.

  2. finding a good girlfriend

  3. scuba diving??

  4. How about something like losing your sight or hearing?  You could blindfold yourself for certain (controlled) activities to really get the feel for it.

  5. OK so I have had many life changing experiences and here they are:

    Moving across the country

    Having a child

    Helping someone else (even someone you don't really like) do  something big in their life

    Gaining over 100 pounds

    Losing over 100 pounds

    Dating someone much much younger (or older)

    Going through divorce

    Found out my Dad had a child out of wedlock while married to my mom

    Somebody close to me died

    Fell in love on vacation

    Won a bunch of money

    Things friends did that might work for you:

    Found out they were adopted

    Saw a ghost

    Had premonitions or clairvoyant dreams that came true all the time

    Good luck!

  6.      Well, when I think of a life changing experience, my mind first goes to the negative, like a car accident that caused you to have limited mobility, or caused you to reevaluate your life choices. But maybe you could do something positive, like the birth of a child/younger sibling. Or what about the death of a mentor - maybe a teacher that you really looked up to died before he got the chance to, I don't know, go to Europe, and it inspired you to live every day to the fullest, and not put off what is important to you.

         Really, anything can be life changing, even getting the paper and seeing a headline that moves you. Remember, every moment of your life you are choosing the path you wish to walk, and so essentiallly, every action, thought, choice is life changing. Actually, that may be a really cool way to approach the assignment - some menial thing that changes a life...  

  7. Maybe you could do something where you could be dead for 45 minutes and then nobody really knew the exact cause of your death, and you had symptoms that were invisible unto any known man or doctor and they only showed up if you were contained into a small pressurized room of under 10 degrees. So until they got you into that pressurized room you were still unconcious heart stopped beating and everything......

    Just a thought.

  8. If you get a girl pregnant, that would be life changing.

    (Not joking =O)

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