
Assignment help ? easy 10 points?

by  |  earlier

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one of the questions in my assignment is

why food and drinks play an important role in hosting a party

got a good answer to that??

10 POINTS!!!




  1. umm because food keeps people entertained lol for some reason or another everyone has to eat at some point so if you dont have things to eat people would get hungry and leave.

    i dont understand though why food is like so important i mean like everywhere we seem to go they have food like our lifes are based on food lmao ,

  2. Because a hungry man (as in general) is an angry man. We always want to keep our friends happy, and the best way, besides having entertainment, would be the food and drinks. The surest way of keeping a man happy is always through the stomach. Where there is food, there are endless conversations. Friendships are also bonded through food.


  3. Food and drinks play an important role in hosting a party because

    there is no limited  time for a party and everyone feel hungry after some time .One can enjoy the party without the tention of cooking at home and also can save some money which we should have to spend on food.Eating & drinking  together increases the taste of food.

  4. So people have something to do with their hands and don't feel so awkward

  5. They keep your guests from leaving to go and get food

  6. I find food and drink help the social circle of the party ...

    A guy see's a girl he likes,  "would you like me to get you a drink?"

    alcohol also lowers people inhibitions which makes the more likely to talk and be social creating a friendly atmosphere.

    food works both ways, its helps as a conversation starter, and it gives the shy person something to do ie. helping the host in the kitchen, or standing my the food table, which can lead them to talking to other party goers

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