
Assuming I'm male on Y!A?

by  |  earlier

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I've noticed that unless I specifically state my s*x or something that makes it obvious, the majority of people on here assume I'm male. I'll go through reading answers and wonder why I'm getting "your future wife" or "young men" and all of that. I'm by no means trying to deceive anyone, it's just that when I forget to specifically spell out that I'm female, I'm assumed to be male. Why are people consistently assuming this?




  1. I don't think I've done that as I think this is the first time I've seen your posts, but I try to avoid making gendered assumptions about people since I don't like it when they do it to me.

    I've often been mistaken for a male on the Internet. Fortunately for my gender identity, this has yet to happen to me in person.

  2. Your silhouette looks male.....

  3. it's becaus the outline in the picture i male, i think that is sexist and confusing and they should be a female option.

  4. Prolly cuz your name reminds them of the word "Miller" as in "Miller of Dee" ? :-D

    No offense - they're just assumptions. :-D

  5. I assumed you were female because of your name. Maybe it's what you're actually saying that throws people off. I've been suspected of being a man on the Internet before, on a board where nobody has an avatar.

  6. I don't know.  Maybe they think you express yourself in the same ways men tend to.  But I would think you were a woman jusding by your name.

  7. Nic is right it's the silhouette.

    Get an avatar, or a picture. Problem will stop.

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