
Asylum seekers (Please all answer)?

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Knowing they get a car grant from the social, do you think the social should pay for their insurance and tax as well?




  1. Where do you get your facts from?

    As a retired journalist, I need hard facts...







    do you base this question on?

  2. I am sick and tired of having to shell out from my pittance of an income to provide freebies to all and sundry. The social don't give me the time of day - why should I have to pay for them to have a car when I don't even afford one? It's scandalous and it's time this country got it's priorities right!

    This isn't racist because I feel exactly the same about our indigenous low life as well!

  3. why not, they drive their cars with or without documents, the media seem to have a blanket ban on reporting this huge social problem, the police are advised to do nothing and the home office are an ineffectual bunch of morons as corrupt as the government they serve

  4. Yeah, give em' the lot, otherwise they might think we're RACIST!!!!

  5. What they get a car that so they can drive to Europe to pick up more of the family and bring them back...I throw my hands up!!!! What are we doing here?

  6. i work for a dealership and i see them on a weekly basis comming in for there mobility car. it is a bloody joke

  7. No, they should have to get a job like every other citizen and legal resident and pay for their own car, insurance, etc.

  8. I thought the govenment were trying to cut down on the use of cars due to global warming - One rule for them etc.etc.

  9. Nice question...stop bashing the immigrants!!! Unlike us Europeans, all you Americans came from somewhere else in the RECENT history. So, letting the immigrants in is just a natural progression and when this country is overflowing with a bunch of brawn and yellow people...well, I'll just move back to Europe and make sure none of you biased Americans can get u feel now????

  10. how can they answer do we give them laptops as well...!

  11. Well my answer to that is DO NOT GIVE THEM THE CAR GRANT IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!  Totally disagree with it, they should work and save for a car or have to go into debt to get one like the majority of us!!!!

  12. Asylum seekers do not get a car grant from anyone. They recieve a little money from the government that is less than one-quarter of what an unemployed person gets (and unemployment benefit is not enough to live on - imagine trying to survive on a quarter of that). They are banned from working by the Government or in fact banned from trying to support themselves in any way.

    A friend of mine is a Turkish Kurd seeking asylum. His son was murdered by Turkish security forces. He was arrested and tortured 3 times (including once so badly he cannot now walk properly). When the security forces told him to leave or be killed, not surprisingly he did. In the UK he was locked up in a detention centre for 3 years without trial (or in fact without having committed any crime at all). We finally managed to get him bailed. However, despite the fact that he's a dentist, and there is a dire shortage of dentists in the UK, he is banned from working. The only reason he doesn't starve to death because he cannot afford food is friends who help him out.

    Stop blindly following the tabloid hysteria about people seeking asylum. It is not an easy decision to leave behind everything and flee to a safe place. People do so because they have no other choice. It is criminal that we punish and persecute them for doing so.

  13. Yes, if they really give them money for a car (which I think is unlikely) how would they expect them to pay for insurance? They would just drive around without any and when they crash into yours you wouldn't get a penny.

  14. Why not,we give the buggers everything else!!

  15. think i`ll go and paint myself black,and re enter the UK as an immigrant,

    wooohooo....i may  be able to get a car,a free house,vouchers for food,clothing, and get my kids and education..

    instead i have to work for what i get,

    what is wrong with this government and do gooders,

  16. get em all out and shut the door on them

  17. They disgusting is that. I'd like to see the British citizens trying to get started line up at the nearest Social office and likewise ask for a car. And, I'd really like to hear the excuses for the refusal.

  18. NO

  19. Why not pay for their petrol as well.

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