
At a loss.....?

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This morning my oldest and middle child 11and 9 were sent to their rooms for lying about going somewhere that they shouldn't have. 15 minutes later I went to their rooms to talk to them. I went to my 9 year old, gave a lecture, and 5 days of restriction. I then went to my 11 year old's room and she was missing. We were worried sick and were about to call the police when she walked in the door. She walked in with her head down and said "I'm going to my room" and walked upstairs. Our normal punishment for this would most likely be a spanking on top of restrictions, but we recently had a talk with her about how we might not be spanking her anymore because she's getting too old. Well....we must be the liars here, because we were obviously wrong. No I'm not asking for advice on how to raise my children. Just trying to cool off I guess. I was just wondering what others would do in this situation. We dont spank out of anger. Only when the situation is like this one. Opinions please!




  1. If my child did that, she would be getting a spanking. No matter the age. My 8 yr old tried me with getting on her bike and riding down the road after being told not to do it and she lost her bike for 2 weeks, no swimming for 2 weeks, no friends, tv, phone, computer time, had to write 25 sentences a day, and on top of that she got a spanking. Of course, it wasn't just the bike thing tho, it was her smarting off at me, and hitting her sisters, etc. She was being really bad that day. However, I can honestly say that she has not done anything like that since.

  2. You are doing a great job parenting. Stick to your guns, she is at a stage where she is wanting to try your limits to see what she can get away with. I got my last spanking at 16 and I got mine in church.(Imagine my embarrassment and shock) I never disrespected my parents again in church thinking that the pastor would protect me.

  3. I agree that 11 is too old to spank.  They were lying?  Ground them.  No tv, phone, games, etc..
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