
At home makeover?! :D?

by  |  earlier

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things i could do to give myself a makeover at home?

i cant go buy anything.

Thanks! :D




  1. open your cosmetics cabinet and look around

    youll never know what youll find

    you can also experiment with cutting your own hair


  2. mitch mach some make up around and expirement with your make up

  3. Straighten,curl or crimp ur hair ... change ur make up style ... change ur house around ... mix and match ur clothes do ur nails

    if u have a sowing machine ... add things to some shoes or clothing ... if u have beads make some jewelry

    good luck  

  4. look up home made face masks,

    and lemmons and under the hair dyer lighten your hair.

  5. try a different make-up look ,switch your colors around ?

    Pick out a different outfit ?

    home-made facial ?(:

    I hope i helped !
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