
Atheist, have you noticed?

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that it is only the christians on here trying to make you see the light?

I may be missing them, but I haven't really noticed Other Religions on here trying to make you repent and become one with God.

It would probably be a more mentally stimulating if other religions would participate on the board more.




  1. well most have already realized that it seems that the majority of Christians direct their questions to Atheists as does the Atheists direct their questions to Christians.   Two way street here sister.  

  2. many of them are fanatics....

    ....trying to push their faith to others.....


    god bless you!

  4. stop these nonsense questions!!!!!

    dont u have anything else to do?

    there's enough chaos here between the 2 groups..ur adding misery to it!

  5. How many of you just irk when you see the plural form of Atheist expressed in the singular aspect? AH! It's Atheists.

    That's because only Christians and Christian related sects are only interested in spreading the congregation and continuing the growth of delusion.

    No offense, of course.

  6. it would be.. it would be more stiulating if there wasnt so much anger on here and people could actually discuss ideas with out all the anger and trolls.

    but since i live in the US most of the people i deal with are christian. i dont want them to ask me to repent... just understand what we think.

    i dont want saving... iwant understanding and comprimise

  7. Just the occasional muslim, but conversion isn't part of jewish, hindu, taoist, buddhist or any other doctrine.

  8. there are barley any other religions on here  

  9. Maybe there's a reason for it, and Christians should take heed.

    Christianity is the ONLY religion on Earth that imagines they have an exclusive ticket to their exclusive Heaven.

    All other religions allow for other faiths and atheists included to make it to Heaven [eventually].

    Example: In Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism a person will reincarnate in many bodies over thousands of years and eventually the atheist will presumably become enlightened, so Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs don't usually get too bent out of shape when they run into an atheist.

    Jews, like me, don't have the stupid concept of eternal damnation, and frankly don't give a p**p whether you are an atheist or not. Nobody goes to h**l period.

    Same with most pagans. They don't believe in everlasting hellfire.

    And Muslims, they have a h**l, but guess isn't eternal. h**l may be gruesome and Muslims want everybody to join their faith, but if you don't, too bad, you'll pay for your unbelief and wicked deeds, BUT eventually will be permitted to enter Paradise.

    Once again, only Christians think they have a monopoly on God, a monopoly on Truth, and a monopoly on Heaven which resembles those exclusive Whites only golf resorts that won't allow women, blacks, Jews or persons earning under 250,000$ per annum as members. The Christian fundamentalist view in a nutshell is Theological Fascism.

    And then only SOME Christians namely the Fundamentalists and Evangelicals and a few cult groups like Mormons.

    Jehovah's Witnesses don't believe in eternal damnation, as they believe the wicked will perish or cease to exist when they die which is actually closer to the Jewish Orthodox position.

    But liberal Christians: Unitarian-Universalists, Quakers, Episcopalians, Anglicans think the concept of eternal damnation to be simply retarded which is exactly what it is: retarded.

  10. The majority on here are Americans, that say's it all.

  11. Sure it's only Christians, that's why I never get emails from Mormons and Muslims (said in a nice, sarcastic tone - I'm not one for sarcasm).

    You should realize that "repentance" and evangelism are primarily Christian concepts and are not part of many other religions.

    I'm not sure why you have missed seeing the Pagan, Wiccan, Muslim, Jewish, and other religious questions and answers but I see them daily.

  12. Universal messages of salvation aren't part of most religions.

  13. >Atheist, have you noticed

    >that it is only the christians on here trying to make you see the light?

    No. What I have noticed, however, is that it is only the christians on here who forget to put the 's' on the plural form of 'atheist'.

    I think the main reason we mostly see christians trying to convert us is because there are just plain way more christians on here than members of other religions. I have seen a few muslims trying to convert people too, though.

    >I personally don't see this as a Conversion room..... if you are really going to try and convert someone, you should not be trying to do it here ONLINE on a message board. It isn't going to work no matter how many bible verses you post.

    It's not the medium that makes it not work, it's the fact that too many atheists are actually aware of WHY atheism makes sense and christianity doesn't. Posting Bible verses isn't going to convert someone who rejects the Bible as fiction in the first place. The christians need to change their tactics if they're planning to make this conversion thing work out.

  14. Bring 'em on!

      Having said so, its mainly the christians that walk around trying to 'convert' people! Other religions don't normally do that!

      Frankly I've just about never been approached by any other religion! I think that's polite!

      Do your own thing, and leave others in peace! If people are attracted to your way of life, people will automatically join up! No need to run after people!

      No wonder the 'christian converters' get the same type of hatred that telemarketers get these days!

  15. Is the electricity for the light wind or solar generated? If not, I don't want to see it.

  16. There are some Muslims with the same problem, as someone else noted. But all of the other religious persuasions seem to be capable of behaving themselves.  

  17. atheists dont usually want to see the light.

  18. Christians are busy right now trying to get their guy elected president. I suspect they'll stop posting here when they loose !


  19. Which is why we are willing to give you our FULL "attention"!


  20. I agree, I bet they are a bit smarter to, perhaps my chances of making them see the truth would be better than talking to the rocks like I do most of the time on here.

  21. Many christians on here try to tell me and others that we are horrible people and we will burn in h**l forever and ever for not believing in god.

    Not nice :(

  22. And still you don't see the irony in your words...

    Shame, shame, shame!

  23. As a Christian I am an adopted child of God and I have a personal relationship with a living Savior.  No religion has this.  Jesus is not a religion He is alive and is caring, loving and beside me at all times.  

    Religions are for following and trying to make yourself OK.  You can not do this.  You will never be good enough or religious enough to make the perfection that religion requires.  Jesus did it for us.  

    Choose Jesus not religion.

    Additional details:  

    For SVT Cobra lover,  it doesn't really matter who wins the election to Christians.  God places people in high offices that He wants to be there for His reasons.  I will still be on Yahoo no matter what the outcome of the election.

  24. Maybe we should indeed split up into several atheist denominations so that we can fight and quarrel more among each other.

  25. As Lime Kitty says, there are lots of faiths and beliefs represented here.  But they don't proselytize.  Nor do they try to make us repent.  That's essentially a Christian thing.

    I find there's plenty of mental stimulation.  Just you sometimes need to wade through all those calls to repent first!  (joke!)


  26. I see some other religions on here. Its because Christians think they are extremely right yet have to show no proof. Also you are on the US Yahoo answer if you go to the bottom of the site and change you will probably see some other religions a lot more.

  27. Certain muslims occasionally take a shot at proselytizing, but mostly it is christians.  As far as I can tell, the Hindus, Pagans and Jews just aren't interested in converting anyone, and the Buddhists are already on our side.

  28. Fundamentalist Christian Extremists to be precise.

  29. I don't consider my beliefs to be religious.  I am a theistic Buddhist but my practice is a self practice.  I offer a lot to the board.  I just don't always need to announce what I believe.

  30.   That  should  tell  atheist  something,,Christians  are

      the only  one,s  who  care  about your souls.

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