
Atheists are stronger than believers?

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Atheists are stronger than believers?




  1. Most atheist can bench press nine hundred and fifty pounds. I'd say way stronger.

  2. I don't quite understand how you are 'having a go' at us with that.

    Atheists are believers in verifiable facts.

    Yes I am a crazy lunatic for wanting evidence that a magic space guy impregnated a virgin human to give birth to a man-god hybrid that got crucified to sacrifice him to himself to save mankind from a law he himself created when the first lady he created out of rib of a man got tricked by a talking snake to eat some magical fruit of knowledge.

    You think that the world started with an ancient rib woman being convinced by a talking snake to eat an apple of doom from a magical tree, which created an evil force that gets naturally implanted into the minds of every person that's born and the only way to remove the evil force is to accept the existence of an all seeing all knowing invisible father figure in the sky who never shows or indicates his presence but sent a Jewish zombie king down 2000 years ago so that you could symbolically eat his flesh and drink his blood and telepathically ask him for stuff every now and again. And get into a white pleasure dimension where people have wings or alternately go to a red fire dimension where all your worst nightmares come true??


    Godsters do NOT need verifiable facts cos they're gullible enough to believe some pretty weird stories, huh?


  3. Well, it can be argued that we have the strength to face up to the inherent unfairness of life, and the prospect of oblivion, whilst most religions speak of an afterlife in which everyone gets what (that religion says) they deserve.

    But I'm not sure strength is really the right word.

  4. I wouldn't fancy Richard Dawkins's chances in a fistfight with Chuck Norris.

  5. Meaninggg?

  6. not necessarily, just draw strength from different sources

  7. Well, sure.

    Smarter and sexier, too!

  8. They are certainly more independent and live with a sense of freedom that believers don't have.

  9. I dare ya to take a swing at me.....

  10. As an atheist since the age of 7, I can say my beliefs are very weak and constantly changing. I have studied many religions as well as science, history and archaeology. I think I have now studied about 70 religions and denominations but have lost count.  And till I study the other 700 or so, I'm afraid I really can't make a truly intelligent decision. As to history and science, they keep making new discoveries.  So, yes, I feel a bit confused. Now someont that believes in that book written between 850 BCE and about 225 CE and compiled for the first time in Nicea in 325 CE, I guess they have all the facts they need. And confirm God has taken no further true interests in humanity in the past 1900 years or so.  But why do they drive cars, live in big homes, work in factories and offices when Jesus condoned living in tents or brick shacks, herding goats, stomping out olive oil and riding donkeys?

  11. There is no such creature as an atheist! If one could ask all those souls in h**l, you would not find the first atheist. They all would love to have just one more chance to repent, but it's too late.

    So, if you are a non-believer, I ask you now to please choose Jesus Christ as your own personal saviour...

  12. Rationality makes us stay ahead of the ´´game´´

    No crutch to be depending on

  13. That's true because atheists base their decisions on logic and scientific fact, not on fairy tales.

  14. no i just think they enjoy winding believers up. they critisise the bible so much but hardly any of them have actually read it so how can they be strong if they dont know what they are talking about

  15. You mean like in power lifting?

  16. stronger? in what way? this an statement my friend, which is possibly not true.

  17. I don't think that anyone has ever collected statistics on this.

  18. In a way, yes....if you start to poke holes in the safety blanket that is their faith, it all starts to unravel, and the poor religious sap will cry out for mommy.....but it will be too late. TOO LATE!

    Ahem :P  

  19. Yes, it's a fact!

  20. Well there's a relative statement. Let's see your sources to back that up. Oh wait there are none so your point is mute.  

  21. As in 'crunching power'? Possibly.

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