
Atheists do you agree that...?

by Guest58195  |  earlier

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Religion and those who follow it threaten humanity and the very planet we live on. It has delayed human advancement on this planet over 600 years. More wars have been fought and more people have died over superstitious religious beliefs than for any other reason.

Since 911 the threat to us all has grown from Islam and in response, Christianity. We are now near a time when we must ask ourselves if religious tolerance and unchecked freedom of religion are worth it or whether it must be controlled or completely removed for the good of us all.

Do you as an atheist agree?




  1. Disagree.

    Freedom of religion is, in my opinion, a basic Human right. Taking away the rights of people to think and believe as they like is a very slippery slope with fascism at the bottom. Whatever harm religion may cause, it's better than global totalitarianism.

  2. "Religion and those who follow it threaten humanity and the very planet we live on. It has delayed human advancement on this planet over 600 years....."

    I disagree.  600 is just too small a number.

  3. No.  Just because some crazies use religion as an excuse to go around murdering people is not sufficient reason to 'control or remove' it.

    These people will just find other 'reasons' to justify their particular brand of insanity.

    Education is the solution to fundamentalism, and it's fundamentalism and its 'only my way is right and so yours must be wrong' attitude that is the canker in religion.  But that's still no excuse to go around being all repressive IMO.



  4. I do believe that religion has gotten in the way of the progression of science. There are a lot of things that could have been discovered and cured but because it goes against Christian views we're all still stuck here  rotting and dying from disease that could have been prevented. Thanks guys!!!!

  5. Even non-atheists couldn't logically argue with any of that.

  6. Disagree.

    Fanaticism is the problem, and any belief mixed with fanaticism will become a danger...

  7. As an atheist, I somewhat agree.

    Religion isn't the only problem here.

    But very well said.

  8. I don't completely disagree with you, but look deeper. Its true that individual acts of violence by primitives account for a lot of the bloodshed, but the Muslim and Christian Crusades were about wealth and plunder for the rulers who merely used religion and the promise of paradise to coerce the poor fighting slob to go die for their dreams of avarice. It remains so to this day. George W. Bush is about oil money as is d**k Cheney, but both use the age old tradition of manipulating the primitives through their superstitions to assist them is stealing us blind. Religion isn't always the root cause, but rather the tool. An opiate used to pacify the masses at one time and a scourge to drive them to insane behaviors the next, but always to the benefit of the manipulating few, whether pope or potentate.

  9. Nah, just the overly religious ones that think I'm going to h**l are pushing it a bit..

  10. Yes, I agree.

    We will either need to grow out of religion, or it will kill us all.

  11. Im an atheist and |I actually think religion isn't such a bad thing.  it gives kids something to believe in, insipre them and help them stay on the straight like while growing up.

    However, I think at adulthood people should start to be able to tell the difference from reality and fiction.

  12. I think that bigotry and negative stuff needs fighting

    unfortunately religion can be good fro some and bad for others

    it's like a tool - it isn't bad or good until someone comes along and uses it for good or bad

  13. I agree with you totally. This is well-said!

  14. i agree with you on the  threats from islam and christianity but not sure about the controlling  thing

  15. Partially agree in that the time, effort, and money people spend in pursuit of a mythological being could be put to much better, more pertinent, and much more positive goals for all of mankind.

  16. *writes a paper and shows it*


  17. No, I don't. It is for no one at all to decide whether freedom of religion should be allowed, and I'm just as appalled at your question as I am at religious fanatics who try to rally the troops to stamp out atheism.

  18. Yes, I agree, though maybe not in such an extreme way.

  19. I would still like to live in a world where people are free to believe what they wish, I just want a way to stop brainwashing of children, churches suckering money out of sheep, and religions impacting our law making policies.

    But I definitely agree that religion has impacted the human race in a very negative way for thousands of years.

  20. You can't control people's beliefs.

    It's wrong.

  21. Religion and those who follow it threaten humanity and the very planet we live on. [[Agree]]

    It has delayed human advancement on this planet over 600 years. [[Tentatively agree]]

    More wars have been fought and more people have died over superstitious religious beliefs than for any other reason. [[Agree]]

    Since 911 the threat to us all has grown from Islam and in response, Christianity.  [[Agree]]

    ...we must ask ourselves if religious tolerance and unchecked freedom of religion are worth it or whether it must be controlled or completely removed for the good of us all.  [[Disagree]]

  22. Absolutely!

    Because of our superior intellect and solid ethics will must accept the burden of dragging our inferior brethren kicking and screaming into the light of new age by any means necessary.

    It is the duty of the enlightened to root out and destroy those who disagree with them because they are WRONG. Since they disagree with us who have the monopoly on truth, they are undoubtedly a threat to themselves and others.

  23. This approach didn't work especially well in Soviet Russia or Communist China.

    When you take something away from people who feel that they need it, for whatever reason, they will be only that much more incensed to fight for what they believe is right.

    I think you're being a wee bit dramatic here.

  24. So we take away religious freedom and rights and oppress others because we fear what they will do to us?

    I don't think so.

    Bad idea.

  25. No sorry, I don't go for that whole repression and control gig. You're on your own, in fact, I would actively fight with the believers against anyone who tried this. And I'm a fairly hardcore atheist.

  26. No i do not agree.

    I am a strong believer in freedom of belief. I wouldn't want the government to take that away.

    If it came down to this, i would definitely fight beside  a Theist for their rights.

  27. No, religion is not the problem. The real problem is not what you believe, but how you act on your beliefs. I think the world would be a better place if people would crucify their egos, religious or not.

  28. If Israel and America cleaned up their BRUTAL acts of TERRORISM against Palestinians and the muslim world in general (america backs notorious dictatorships in the Middle East), 9/11 would never have happened.

    Suffice to say, I blame Islam too, but not completely. The problem is religion-politics hybrid. politics-politics is a much more peaceful way out of injustice :)

  29. I agree.

  30. agreed or at least somewhat.

    but im agnostic not atheist.

    I dont think it threatens humanity as a whole. It may threaten certain aspects.

  31. From a one time Atheist:

    You would throw out the very thing that is bringing peace to the world? Of course if I did not know what i do now I would be in a great amount of agreement with you. However, there is something to consider you have never considered and probably never considered possible considering its source. If you truly want peace, then you will carefully consider any movement that advocates just that. You do not have to accept all of any of it, but if something makes sense, it makes sense. Truth is truth regardless if it is from a wizened old sage or the mouth of a mere babe. I simply offer you an alternative to peace through war.

    Peace through War? is such a thing possible?;...

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