
Attached to your sign please answer?

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are some of you attached to your sign

as it makes up who you are?




  1. Lol no! When im off the computer i forget about the whole astrology thing! When im on the computer im really into it though haha

  2. kinda when I look at other famous aquarius.

    It's like, they're so rebellious just like me. And opinionated. and wild

  3. i think there is a certain degree of truth to it but no, i don't live by it, day in and day out.

  4. yea....people say geminis tent to be very talkative  

  5. I dont necessarily believe in astrology, just think it's interesting, but I would say that I am extremely attached to the fact that I am a Sagittarius.

    People can always easily guess what sign I am because I am like my sign in almost every way.

    Good question (Y)

  6. I LOVE BEING A SCORPIO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  7. Im a gemini and extremely attracted to Johnny Depp, and I also find angelina jolie fascinating for absolutely no reason!! I guess its the mysteriousness

  8. I'm a Scorpio and there is NO way that I am or would ever be attracted to a Scorpio. Regardless of if they're the same sign, the male and female act different.  Scorpio men are way different than Scorpio women..there's no way I'd put up with'd drive me up the wall! =S

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