
Attempted Shoplifting... parental guidance?

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I need some guidance on how to assist my 6 yr old in showing her that Shop lifting is never a good idea. I just caught her attempting to take a pack of Hubba Bubba gum from the little mom n pop grocery by us. I luckily caught her in time, but still want to give her a bases on why its never something to do. Ive told her that those who shop lift eventually get caught and taken to Jail for that crime. Shes afraid of police officers so that got her to apologize allot right away and she gave a verbal apology to the owners of the store in front of a few other customers. And the item she took back.

Shes grounded from Computer for the rest of the week, No friends for the rest of the week. Is that to sever? I haven't told her father yet as I'm afraidhes gonna blow a gasket. And that never helps any issue.

So please Im looking for guidance with those who have gone thru it. Thanks Im just shocked its started already. I thought she wwouldn'ttry pulling this til at lest p*****n.




  1. That was good.Do NOT hide things from your husband though otherwise later on she think he is evil and that he should be shunned and kept in the dark.

    It is good for him to blow a gasket over something like this because hearing from BOTH parents on this will reinforce the fact that what she did was wrong.ALso he is going to want to know why she cannot be on the computer,which means she will have to hear you LIE to cover for her.

    This is going to alienate your husband and she will learn to pit the 2 of you against one another.It will set you up to be the "hero" by going  too easy on her as time goes on and making him the villan if he is going to let her have it with both barrels for doing what she knew was wrong.

  2. Contact the police station and tell them you want to take your kid on a tour of it. Show her the jail cells and tell her this is where she'll end up at if she breaks the law. Put the fear of God into her about committing a crime.  

  3. that kind of behavior begins at home.  if she's allowed to get whatever she wants, whenever she wants without ever having to ask....

    you should re-establish boundaries at home.  dont blame yourself...just put in place some new boundaries now while she's very young.  peace

    for punishment, xtra responsibilites as well as removal of beloved toys is also good for emphasis that we have to work for things we value.  

  4. I think that if this is the first time, then yes, that is too severe. A 6 year old child, thankfully, cannot usually comprehend the monetary system and the concept of 'stealing,' and this happens to many children. The best thing to do is calmly explain to your child that this is wrong, and why (because of all the decent people who have to pay,...) or give her a small allowance of dimes/quarters and then bring her to the store and letting her pick out a treat (gum, candy bars...) this should help her learn the value of these things and make her feel accomplished.

    However, if it WAS intentional, (and I would assume, if you don't know, that it was not, but if you are SURE that it is...)    You have to inform her that she is dong wrong and you will not stand for it. Shoplifting WILL get you in big trouble with Mother/Daddy, explain--try to refrian from mentioning the police force. Explain why its wrong and stop buying her treats and such, or bringing her with you to toy/fun stores for a while, until you think she is ready/sincerely apologetic, and keep a close eye on her and keep in place your current punishment.

    You are not alone here. SO many children do this-it doesn't make her or you bad. But it'd do you good to stop it before it escalates.  

    God Bless!  

  5. She is 6 years old... I think you left a good enough impression on her already.  

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