
Attracted to runners only?

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Is it odd that I'm only attracted to other people that run? Do others feel this way?

It's just that I can't see myself being with someone who doesn't like to run... that would be hard to deal with considering they wouldn't be there to motivate me.




  1. Who says likes don't attract likes?  I say follow your heart and you'll find your happiness.

  2. just follow people that you like.

  3. omg I know, I feel the same way. I couldn't imagine dating anyone who doesn't run. I spend so much time running and it means so much to me it seems like only another runner could understand. Its not weird at all. Lots of other girls on my team only or mostly date runners.


  4. nothin wrong with that!

  5. Theres no shame in that

  6. i feel the same way! i don't like any of the football players because they are ALWAYS whining about running in their gear and saying how a mile feels like 4 miles to them. its so agrivating.

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