
Auditioning for roles in feature films...?

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I'm writing a story and had a few questions about auditioning for roles in feature films. Is it possible for an actress who's done mainly smaller roles in TV/films to get a leading role in one with a good agent? How many people might be there for the initial auditions? - I know they select them through agents, but is there a rough estimate of how many might actually be auditioning? And also, would an audition typically be held in a theatre [story is in NYC], or are there other places where they might be held? Thank you for any answers! <3




  1. some actors get leading roles in films before they&#039;ve had almost any experience. it&#039;s rare though. it&#039;s important to have an agent, but it&#039;s the auditions. if you suck, and you have a great agent you still won&#039;t get a role. Depends on the role, for a big role, they go through hundreds. But not all in the same day, so you may only see 20 other people there at the same time as you. i don&#039;t know about new york, but in LA, sometimes they hold them in theatres, but for movies, it&#039;s usually a room in front of a casting director, or they may ask you to audition for the camera.

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