
Aussies in the UK?

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is is a good transition for like a year? to study or work?

or is it the same culture there? i dont wanna leave australia and end up somewhere thats identical....

is it hard to understand the accents an way of life????





  1. UK is not like Australia.  For a start we have lots of rain (sorry, that was below the belt).  Loads of Aussies and Kiwis in UK, mostly in London but also in other places.  Culture very different (not better, not worse, but different).  In London all the Bar persons seem to be Aussies and Kiwis so you would not be lonely.  It is only some of the more Northern accents that are hard to understand (even for us Southerners) so you will be OK.  Good luck, take the plunge, have fun.

  2. NO its is defiantly not.

    the culture is different in many ways.

    Australia has no history as the U.K has history on all the kings and  Queens.

    Also Australians are very vain people they like to brag about what they have.

    English people keep it to them selves. You wont be able to tell if they are rich or poor they keep it to them selves giving nothing away.

    all you need to know about the accents is that there are different parts with different accent different meanings of words.

    BUT WHAT EVER you do DO NO laugh at them do not criticize them or make judgments.

    Australians are very very judgmental people so be careful.

    OH and another thing try keep it on a low key dnt make you self noticeable in the rough areas.

    places to go....

    You must visit London... its wonderful.

    (Yes we all know its a busy place with lots of immigrants and we do not need somee tourist coming and telling us that)

    its a busy place full of life lots to do and see.

    You bust visit som of the history.

    you will learn a lot.

    If you are looking for a place a little like Australia try visiting Cornwall.

    Want to visit nature and wildlife i recommend the outstanding natural beauty of North Wales.

    Good luck.

    You'll enjoys it

    oh and try earn a little money while your there you money will double when you come back:)

    good luck(Y)

  3. G'day mattie ;)

  4. West London welcomes you - come soon because you will love it here... xx

  5. No mate. It's not the same. You sound like a potentially good traveller. I'm English but have noticed that many many Australians come over here, stay only in Shepherds Bush or Earls Court (both in W. London) socialise only with similar Australians, spend time in Walkabout pubs watching sport and slagging of their host country, then go home saying they've done the place and it's a sh*thole.

    It might be a good idea to go to West London as it may be easier for you to settle with familiar accents around you, but if you want to get the best out of your trip, get out of London and see what the UK has to offer. I love the Northumbrian Coast, Cornwall, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Edinburgh, Norfolk, the Lakes, Bath, York, Oxford and there are dozens more with remarkable beauty and history. The rest of Europe's pretty close by too!

    It makes me sad when Australian visitors slag off my country when they've spent all their time in one rough part of the metropolis.  Have fun.

  6. Britain has a vast history, it battled the Roman Empire and won twice in the years BC, it had became an empire itself and ruled half the planet, including Australia and Canada, they also had many parts of America. Britain won the world-war, and they have helped Australia a lot in WWI and WWII.

    Britain and Australia are good friends, and there governments get along well, the depressing parts of the countries relationships is the fact citizens of Australia tend to dislike Britain when they arrive, its practically similar when Britain's move to Australia sometimes, however scientists believe this is the immense change of weather, whilst Australia is an extremely hot country, England and the UK is not, however it is struck by many lovely heat waves like that of 2006, temperatures in Southern England rose to 38 degrees and 40 on the coast line.

    I can guarantee however you should love the views of the UK, with their beautiful forests and gardens, their lovely history with stunning medieval architecture, palaces and much entertainment, its definitely a place to visit.

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