
Australia vs new zealand....?

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which is a better country to live ? in terms of education , quality of life , good paying jobs , climate ,great and enjoyable for a big family (five kids) ?




  1. Australia.

    Note another question in this section that asks why New Zealand has the highest suicide rate.

    There's just no comparison.

  2. I'm pretty sure Austria probably has some form of killer grass, since they are home to 9 out the the top 20 deadliest snakes in the world.  There are no Snakes and only 2 spiders that can kill you (black widow, brown recluse) in New Zealand!

  3. To answer the above answers:

    I am an Australian and NZ citizen and have lived slightly more in Australia than New Zealand

    No one in their right mind could ever argue that Australia is less racist than New Zealand, this is the one area I think New Zealand is better than Australia. Where I used to work my workmates would go out on fridays with a pack of VB and beat up aboriginals

    New Zealand does not have the highest suicide rate in the world - i don't know WHERE people get this information from. I lived or a year in the country with the highest suicide rate in the world, which is Lithuania - and I bet you most of the CIS and ex soviet socialist republics would ALL rank higher than New Zealand. Did you know Japan, Belgium,  Luxembourg, France, Austria and AUSTRALIA all have a higher rate than New Zealand? WHERE the h**l do people get their information from?

    The last male suicide data released to the UN for New Zealand and Australia - Australia has a slightly higher rate

    New Zealand is ranked 28th in the world, Australia is ranked 27th

    So eat ****, previous poster

  4. new zealand.

    australia is rasict.

    new zealand has really friendly people, and everything is much quiicker in nz than australia.

  5. australia but with new zealand people and new zealand food and new zealand landscape and new zealand sport, actually NEW ZEALAND

  6. What do you think?

    Im from Australia, it's pretty good. The problem with Australia is housing at the moment, there overly expensive depending where you want to move. Also sometimes the heat is unbearable. Otherwise a big family would enjoy it, somewhere out in the suburbs away from the city.

    Depending on which area you live, really reflects upon what the education is like. If you want the best im guessing private schools, as they have the best facilities a lot of the time. Unless you go to a certain school which facilitates the certain area (cooking, woodwork etc.) you need.

    New Zealand from my opinion is more green, and they appear to be more athletic (hiking, bike riding).

    I hope this was helpful

  7. Six of one half a dozen of the other.

    We chose New Zealand over Australia for a number of reasons. Primarily NZ's stance regarding Nuclear.

  8. In terms of Education, they are both pretty good I would say... Oz may have the advantage here in some areas, I know their maths is better for example....

    I know the health system is better in Oz as is the better paying jobs.

    Quality of life, would depend on you and where you live etc...I would say both are equal here

    Climate...again depends on what you are used to and want...if you don''t mind stinking hot summers then NZ might be better and if you don't mind a bit of cold and variety then NZ would be better ( you can ski and swim in the same day!). I personally don't like temps above 30 and wither around 35 so for that I am pleased I live here in Nz ( but we did have a 35 a few weeks ago.....boy was that hot!!)

  9. This all depends on you. Both countries are fantastic. I am a New Zealander living in Australia. I chose Australia, as the wages are better, cost of living is cheaper and house prices are cheaper. NZ would be better if you were self employed.

    If you like the great outdoors both countries are great but in Aust you will have to travel further to reach your destination. NZ is more compact, things are closer together.

    Both have great climates but Australia can get very hot in summer.

    Both countries have similar education systems.

    It all depends on you, life is what you make of it.

  10. Well I'm an Australian living in new zealand. I prefer new zealand, for its scenery, its people and its good food.

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