
Australian accent?

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I know it sounds corny, but I want to try and get an Australian accent. I live in the U.S. and I just think it sounds hott. Hope you can help!




  1. u think our (aussie) accent sounds hot? americas accecnt is awesome! we just use more slang, aussie words.....

  2. I know 2 Americans and 2 Canadians who have lives here for over 10 years and they still dont sound like Australians!

    you would to have to have lived here since you started talking.

  3. I guess our accent is a little lazy, the American accent pronounces every letter in the word, but we just kind of miss a few out if it's easier. You could listen to neighbours or home and away, but it is difficult to fake well.

  4. Listen to lost of Australian people in whatever medium you can find.  Then imitate.  Only way to "fake" an accent is to work on it.

  5. My family isn't orginally from Oz and they have been here for 30 years and they still haven't even come close to an Australia accent. I also have friends from US Eng and Canada who have lived here for years and they still sound nothing like an Aussie. When Australians talk to each other I can't hear an accent but when I watch an Aussie TV show I hear the accent and we sound so weird, we sound quite funny I think. BUt Im very glad to be an Aussie, wouldn't have it any other way.

  6. you will never be able to copy it even if you lived in australia for a few years

  7. make your voice go high pitch at the end of words

    and neva pronounce t's in words..

    if u listen 2 aussies say something,

    like: dirty bottle of water

    they'd say

    dirdy boddle of wada..


    that sorta thing, u should watch/download tv programs like neighbours or home and away, and try copy that.

    its such an annoying accent, y wud u wanna speak it! lol

    also, use their words,

    instead of saying things like actually, or fairly,

    say actual and fair

    eg thats actual fair heaps cool

    they use heaps and h**l all the time ..

    devvo, for devestated,

    derro or bogan for a scratter..

    they call their driving Licenses : L's

  8. really? aussie accent hot??!

    end everything with ay or butt. Remember that its pronounced brisbin not bris-bane, melbin not mel-bourne.

    just randomly drop of letters/syllables.

    Answer everything short and to the negitive eg: How are ya? No bad.

    And everything has to have another name/nickname, lipstick=lippie, sandwich=sanga mcdonalds=maccas/mcchucks

    If you cannot think of a nickname or it is a common saying, just make a sentence that rhyms. eg"saving it for later on= saving it for ron" "tomato sauce=dead horse"

    swear a little.

  9. Aaahhhh Shucks Beachy thanks for the compliment and we love the American accent too.

  10. You could try to get hold of the book "Let Stalk Strine" by Afferbeck Lauder, but when I checked "Emma Chisit" on Amazon, it seemed pretty expensive. So as a starter, move your mouth as little as possible, and make sure you finish every sentence with a rising inflection, and you'll be well on your way.

    For a sampler of the accent, try the link below.

  11. Tim N has hit the nail on the head.  Get "Let Stalk Strine" and you'll understand how to use an Aussie accent.

    You really need to be immersed in it to perfect it, so come out here and listen to us locals.

    Actually, I think the Australian accent evolved because English speakers are naturally lazy and don't pronounce certain sounds in their words.  We drop sounds, and that's where the accent comes from.

    Best wishes
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