
Austrian father.daughter incest case?

by Guest63219  |  earlier

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The man locked his daughter in a cellar for 24 years from the age of 18, fathering 7 children with her (1 deceased) from 6 pregnancies.

How on earth did her mother manage to accept this unusual situation of a vanishing daughter, and 3 of her daughter's children, fathered by her husband, mysteriously turning up?

Was this mother also her husband's victim? Was she stupid or gullible? Or was she in on it all along?




  1. i think she helped him because he threatened her

  2. IMO - colluded with him. Her reward seems to have been the babies he gave to her.

    I dont feel sorry for her at all. She could have told somebody at anytime, but she chose not to. She is just as evil.

    It reminds me of these men who start these cults - somehow they get people to join them - ostensibly people who u would think would have there own minds. He seems to be a very forceful character - a dictator.

    It really is important that people do think for themselves and to question a situation when they feel that something is "amiss".

    I am not sure what part their Authorities played in this i.e. their Social Services but I think they ought to be looking and investigating themselves if they had any previous involvement and how they were duped.

  3. Its difficult but I think she was maybe in on it, why would she allow her husband a room in the celler where it could only be opened by an electronic code, why did she never think mmm is he hiding something there ??

  4. I cannot believe that she knew nothing, or suspected nothing. 24 years in the same house! Where did she think he was when he popped downstairs.

    By the way, the main crimes committed are imprisonment, probably pedophilia with children/grandchildren, multiple continuous rape and deprivation of rights, which are terrible crimes.

    Incest is the least of the offences.

  5. I am disgusted beyond belief,

  6. I wonder what punishment is fitting for this monster? I am very glad I am not the Judge who be presiding over the case.

  7. No one will ever know, but this is crazy.

  8. Today they said that he'd raped her aged about 11, after this she ran away, unsurprisingly. He also was arrested for raping a stranger while in his 40's, IE. about the same time. Aged about 17, she was taken back to her family by the local social services. As she had a history is was a lot easier to explain that she'd left aged 18, when no one was likely to look for her.

    It puts all the believes that the UK has the only incompetent social services in the world into perspective. Fortunately, aged around 73 and expected to get around 15 years, he is likely to die in prison.

    On the other hand remember the relationship shared by other couples like the Wests, or Hindley and Bradey. In this case, presumably the truth about their relationship will come out over time

  9. She apparently was unaware of the existence of a cellar. It sounds as if she was very much a subordinate in their marriage and it may well be true that she did not know of the true situation. She could have reasoned that the girl's father was so overbearing that their daughter left home to escape him and perhaps he convinced her of Elisabeth's inability to look after the 3 children, saying that she was stupid and lacked moral strength. The mother may have identified with that weakness since she has obviously become subject to her husbands arrogant, overbearing attitude over many years.

    I hope this poor woman can cope with the inevitable guilt on learning of the fate of her daughter and all those unfortunate children. I feel sad for her as well as pity for the other victims and overwhelming anger at this evil man's actions.

  10. It so shocking. It really scares me because imagine how you would feel if you were in her position. It's unbearable to think about. And the children! How will they ever come to terms with the outside world? And the concept of freedom. Terrible man! How could he do it?

    I think that if the mother was in on it, it wasn't willing, it was forced. Apparently this guy had a security code on the door which kept the cellar locked, so maybe it was so his wife couldnt free them when he was out or something. She must have known. It will never be proven if she did or didn't though.

    It's when things like this happen you begin to wonder why so many people believe in God. If he is real, how could hen let something like this happen?

  11. Basically what he told the wife is..their daughter ran away, but is fathering children that she can't raise, so she drops them off in the front doorsteps...

    Sounds crazy, but that's the story.

  12. you know, it's hard to comprehend what it's like to live in other countries and understand what their beliefs are, or how they deal with certain situations, etc...maybe there was lack of support for the "wife" of this monster, who apparently needs more than 'medical' help OR prison...I believe he needs to be castrated!!

    as for this "wife" not knowing, or just maybe 'accepting' what had happened, while it was going on....I think she would have had to have got the notion that something was going on. Whether or not she just chose to 'not see it' and turn the other way, or with the 'fear' she may have had, she maybe 'adapted' to what was going on and 'went with it' so as not to end up like her daughter (or what she believed happened to her daughter when the father said she had run off, or disappeared)...who knows!!

    It's a sick world though....I bet that's not the only case like that, in the world, going on, right this very second!!

    Too many sickos in this world for me! This is why Capital Punishment is something that should be considered for cases like this - these kinds of individuals are NOT worth trying to rehabilitate!!! Get rid of the whole lot of them!! Clean out our prisons, where we have full-proof evidence, beyond a reasonable doubt, of criminals who have injured, mamed, raped, and murdered women and children - and put them to death! It should be a nice, slow, painful death, of course - NONE of this "lethal injection", where they simply go 'to sleep'...whereas their victims never even had a choice on how they wanted to die, let alone 'dying' peacefully!!!

    GRRRR...these psychos need to be destroyed!!

  13. The so called Mother must have known and should have done everything in her power to stop this hapening to her daughter - the whole thing disgusts me!

  14. When i saw it on the news there was no mention of her prehaps she left or died

  15. There has been no mention of his wife as if there was she would be interviewed with conspiracy. So i dont think there is a wife and mother.

  16. That is not her natural mother . It is his second wife.

    More to the point, what is it with Austrians? Is it bred into them that it is ok to kidnap, lock up and abuse people for years.

    Take Adolph for example...

  17. No one is that stupid.She chose to turn a blind eye.How could she not have heard small babies crying their lungs out or a woman giving birth with no pain killers.She is as guilty as him.

    It said on the news he could get 15 years.He held them for 24 years!Where's the justice in that?I'd feed the c*nt through a mincer,slowly.

  18. possibilities are vast,

    smells a bit fishy to me though

  19. Horrifying - How will any of the children ever come to terms with what happened?

    The logistics of it amaze me! All that food, clothing, and other essentials to smuggle in and all that rubbish to get out and dispose of...

    And What if he'd suddenly died? No-one knew they were there, what a dreadful possibility.

  20. The man is an authoritarian.  Power hungry and a sociopath.  He had power over his current wife and children therefore they would not stand up to him.  His wife would be none the wiser. If he was 'working' down in the basement - why would his wife suspect anything? She was subserviant to him and did as she was told.

    The man you marry and trust - why would you believe that he would be capable of such a horrific act?

    Makes you wonder though....  are there any more out there locked up in cellars?

  21. I think its very strange. apparently the mother didnt know there was the secret compartment downstairs? didnt she wonder where her husband kept disapeering to? i know for a fact if there was a hidden door in this house, i would know about it! how did he manage to sneak all the shopping in without her noticing? she must be involved some way

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