
Autism and hiperactivity?

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I'm desperate, my 4 year old boy who is autistic is becoming more hiper than usual. He is climbing every where, even on the stuff, dish washer machine and the zinc.He is also likin on his hands. Does somebody know what can I do to help him?

I'm about to get crazy :O




  1. You son may need some form of behavioral treatment plan.Are you recieving any treatment for him from any agencies for his autism?My son is 15 and he still climbs on stuff.We tried deep pressure therapy with him and it sometimes works for him.You should contact an occupational therapist about this.If you go to the website or .com( I'm not sure )you will find some of the info that you need to help you with this problem.Good luck.Sharon W.

  2. He needs occupational therapy

    a lot of times the 'hyperactivity' is sensory seeking behavior-

    the OT can steer the behavior to approprite activities

    You can also talk to teh school-hopefully they have a behaviorist-about a positive support behavior plan (praise for behaving)

    if you haven't-contact the divsion of developmental disabilities-they have various support services

  3. It will be very difficult to persuade him not to do these things as he is probably responding to a neurological need.

    Many children who suffer autism experience sensory / vestibular distortions.  There are obvious behavioural consequeces to these mis-perceptions.  I would guess that your son loves vestibular stimulation, loves to be spun, rocked, swung etc.  He has a need for vestibular stimulation and in doing what he is doing, he is probably, unconsciously trying to self stimulate.  He does this to try to correct an imbalance of activity within his brain.

    Hope this helps.  (There is a book available on this website which explains in more detail. - You can download it and it is quite inexpensive)

  4. speak to his ot and maybe she can type of give you a sensory diet ..try lotioning him  arms legs feet and hands and apply deep can also rock him back and fourth and sing continuously....redirect him when he climbs on furniture...also buy a trampoline so he can get the movement his body is craving..also since hes 4 yr old get a big bucket and fill it up with uncooked rice beans stuff like that have him sit in it with no socks or sure that will help contain him for a few seconds or mins..

    if he mouths things dont put him in the bin b/c he might choke..

  5. Primero que todo lo has de llevar al pediatra, si el que tienes no te ayuda has de ir a otro.

    Has de tener en cuenta que el autismo y también la hiperactividad son debidos a una acumulación de metales pesados y otras toxinas en el organismo. También hay casos de autismo (como muchas enfermedades mentales) debidos a alergia a la leche de vaca y al gluten. La proteína animal en la alimentación evita que el cuerpo se desintoxique.

    Un tratamiento con algas azules (Klamath) y con el mineral selenio acompañado de una dieta vegetariana adecuada puede reducir ambas patologías, ya que el organismo se desintoxicará y recuperará nutrientes.

    La dieta es la llave para que una enfermedad, sea de la clase que sea, tome una dirección favorable.

    Tengo el texto de una conferencia sobre hiperactividad que dí en Barcelona hace unos dos años. También tengo un trabajo sobre el autismo. Si los quieres envíame un mail.

    El mío es :

  6. You think he has severe Autism ?

    You would know as i do my son Thomas is 10 now and has severe autism he is still non verbal and still in nappies/diapers , you need to take note of his diet as this can cause child with asd and any child to be hyperactive ..certain e numbers in food can also be the cause, You need to do what we have done talk to your son is very easy and simple sentences avoid long words as this confuses them a lot ..remove him from the things you do not want him to climb on and do it every time he gets on, he will get the idea he isn't allowed to do these things, and Hun belive me it does get better in time !

    take care

    I'm from the UK i hope you don't mind me coming on to your site !

  7. Many autistic children are hyperactive or have periods of hyperactivity. Many too, are non verbal but they do respond to visual stimuli. You could try making a chart with positive things he can do listed with a reward when he does it.

    Lots more tips at

    Hope these help

  8. You think he is autistic or he is autistic?  If he is autistic he needs to be in therapies to help him cope with autism and for them to help him with different needs that he has.  IF he has not had a diagnosis, the very first thing YOU need to do is get him evaluated and find the right resources for him and utilize them!!!

  9. Hi,

    hyperactivity is common with Autism. I have mild Autism (Aspergers) and I can get really crazy sometimes!!!! The best thing to do is probably to try to calm him down and hold him in your arms for a few minutes and possibly play some relaxing music. If he persists, try to call someone to help you.

    good luck,

    Hope this has helped.

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