
Autistic children in the Emirates?

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Hey there fellow Emiratis & UAE residents,

I have this relative that has been diagnosed with autism in Dubai.

I would like to know how the child's parents can maximize their effectiveness..

Who to speak to? What doctors to reach? Where to go? What to do? Consultation for parents? Training parents how to communicate with autistic children? Autistic children schools?

anything autism-related.

FYI, they have contacted Dubai Autism Centre, and they have given the parents an appointment at the end of the year. Yet, the child is already 2 years old , its better to start early and be safe than sorry.

So, basically, what can the parents do the help the child at maximum effectiveness?

They are prepared to do everything and anything for their autistic child.

* I also prefer information that is based in the UAE, but if you'd like to outsource to international clinics in Europe I would not mind.

Thanks in advance.






  1. Autism is most likely caused by vaccines. The only antidote is chelation, which involves vitamins and minerals. Please look up Dr. Karima Burns. She is a natural doctor who has an online advice service. I'm really sorry to hear about the child's illness. Please advise your relatives to avoid vaccinations especially more than one vaccination in one day. Autism is closely related to mercury poisoning.

  2. This is actually incorrect there was a rumor about a year ago that this was true. you should not listen to someone who probably has not read a newspaper in 12 months

  3. I agree with stef. The vaccines are no longer implicated as reasons for autism - this has been proved beyond doubt. Previously only the MMR vaccine was thought to be an association but it is no longer believed so. These children should get all the routine vaccines.

    There is no definite cause for Autism. Treatment is basically behavioral and one should approach a child psychiatrist and developmental consultant. Ideally it should be done before 3 years.

    Let me know if you have any further questions.

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