
Average web traffic from reprint articles?

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What is the average amount of traffic that someone can expect from writing and submitting free reprint articles to article directories in a fairly competitive field?

Please don't give me vague words, I want numbers.

And please don't just tell me it depends, average out the dependencies or give me some sample figures.


(If you want to get more detailed, you can also specify what time span you are talking about, how much from direct visitors and how much from improved search engine results, or even specify a multivariate mathematical equation and margins of error).




  1. The key to successful article marketing is how well the article is optimized with your keyword. I would focus on two maybe three keywords per article. 10 percent keyword density is a good mark

    In a competitive keyword... lets state the obvious, you are going to be competing against many other article.. therefore you can only expect around 5 visitors a day for a top article

    i have found with my articles... which haven't been totally optimized i have about 5 visitors which is about 1500 a day from

    Increase web traffic @

  2. Thats an awesome question! I have heard it a million times over the last 10 years of teaching and doing internet marketing research for people!

    free reprint articles... don't expect much... everyone is reprinting them and between duplicate data issues, and poor keyword density issues... your not likely to get much at all...

    there is only one way to get actual numbers and i woldn't rely on them on their own at all.... that said, that is to out seo your competitors and track your results... using something like google analytics...

    the only way to tell what the previous numbers look like is to look at the value inherent in the keywords via wordtracker at

    i.e. Keyword example:

    If the keyword is "spare change storage container"

    You want to know

    1) how many daily searches are done (i.e. 24hr = 32)  2)

    2)how many relevant results are returned (competing = 1900784) 3) what are the quality of those results...

    thats indicators that will give you some numbers to work with... but they change daily so you need to track over 60 days to get numbers to start relying on... and scientifically you need 1000 results to get a good guesstimate on anything...

    hope that helps.


  3. Write 2 articles a day each day and submit them to artical sites or site thats 600 articals a year you are bound to get alot of traffic this way good luck

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