
Avoid being influenced in your decisions?

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How can you avoid being influenced in your decisions by your gender, age, or religion?

If you could avoid such influence, would you make better decisions?




  1. You can't, from the time you are born you are influenced by your parents, and then sent off to school to be brainwashed by what the government wants you to think and believe. Nobody thinks for themselves until they hit a bump in the road, unfortunately once they hit that bump, they have no alternative other than to conform to the wishes of those who have all the power, which is the government and judicial system. Think what you like, just don't act upon it, because powerful, money grubbing people will destroy your life if you do. Sorry, I'm in a F*** the world state of mind! ;-)

  2. Isn't that kind of the point of how you reach decisions?

    Well, a question doesn't answer your question, so here's an answer;

    Write down the issue and then make a list of pros and cons to each potential outcome you could reach and then weigh them against each other to reach a decision.

    I don't know if not using your certain position as a member of any specific race, religion or gender would not help, but it would certainly influence decisions.

    I hope that helps!

  3. There isn't really any way to avoid being influenced.  You have to keep in mind that being influenced isn't necessarily a bad thing.  Having influences helps make good decisions just as often as it can help make bad decisions.  So your gender, age, religion, so forth, can all be seen as an asset or an inhibitor in making decisions it depends on your ability to use them wisely and objectively.  You have heard of the expression "wise beyond her years" and then you have met old people I am sure who don't seem to have a single piece of wisdom to give!

    If there were no influences then there would theoretically be no decisions to make...right.  Everything would always go right and we wouldn't have to decide between anything.  So why worry about influences.

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