
Awkward question for girls?

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do you shave your ...


my friend told me everyone does but i dont think so...

some of my friends dont

i dont

is that gross?

i thought it was there to keep away bacteria and keep it from smelling




  1. i shave it all, it looks better and my man loves it

  2. most people i know do

    and i do i like the bare look

    and it feels nice

    and guys like it like that

    ithe hair is not there to keep away bacteria and smell

  3. I don't, to be truthful, I find it ...gross ><;;.

  4. i trim, but i dont shave the whole thing, its not like i sleep around so alot of guys see, and its such a burden to constantly shave another place.

    your friend is wrong, and your right.

  5. yea i trim it too, id only completely shave it if i was gonna be sexually active or something haha, most girls just trim.

  6. Um i don't...most girls don't some do though...which is odd. but thats their choice. I'm not like sexally active or anything so I'm not too worried bout there!LoL! hope I helped

  7. No its not gross... There is nothing wrong with not shaving it is to prevent bacteria from entering. As long as you keep your ??? clean there is nothing gross about the hair. Some guys don't like looking at a ???? that looks like kid

  8. I shave it all.

    That's just because I don't like hair though.

    It's a personal preference. Haha but you're right about what the hair does... I just think the hair is gross so I shave it off. Haha

    Answer mine please?;...

  9. don't!!!

    it hurts and itches!!

    don't listen to people

    do what u wanna do

  10. not all girls do it! some girls leave hair on it but they trim it just to keep it looking nice and clean! i prefer to shave it because to me its better and most guys like it better shaved that's is of course if you are old enogh to do that stuff!!

  11. i shave it.

  12. Some people shave it all, but most people just trim it up some so it looks better and wont show when you wear a bikini. Its not manidtory but looks better.

  13. Well first of all how old are you?! And its really just a matter of personal choice. Of course not everyone does, i do, but that's just because i like to and want to. I would never do something just because my friends do it or because "everyone else does it". If your not ready to shave or don't want to, don't!

  14. I trim mine to keep it short. I'm a virgin so really I see no point in shaving and I will only do so if my future husband asks me to. Other than that it's for my own personal preference. I dunno. It seems like it would be uncomfortable when the hair would start growing back and getting itchy stubble.

  15. I shave because i hate having so much hair around there (i'm a guy too).  Nothing is more annoying than getting a hair caught in the f******n of my p***s and it pulling the piece of hair...painful and annoying (i'm not circumcised).  Also i don't knwo aqbout it keeping bacteria away, but in the heat you sweat alot down there, and like armpits if they're smells worse.  So if i shave i don't have the horrible musty jock smell, and it just looks more clean and organized, pubes don't fall into the toilet because of the constant movement and pulling of hair that sometimes gets pulled off and when you go to the bathroom or scratch or whatever pube hairs make their way to the floor, toilet, or in your underwear....not very nice to know.  

    AS FOR WOMEN....i would think the's not gross, but i prefer it clean and shaved for most the same hygenic reasons as mine.  ALSO when it comes to s*x, the last thing i want in my mouth is a pube when pleasing my embarasses my wife and is just plain awkward for me.  If she just maintains it, no skin shave but neat, then it doesn't bother me.  Afro gineys aren't attractive at all.

  16. different people do different things some people do some people dont

  17. Hey,

    no not every girl does shave it.

    I think it's better if you don't.

    When you do you can get a shaving rash and that hurts when it rubs on your knicker line & then when it grows back it grows back really fast and has little prickles everywhere,

    looks really gross and it itches like crazy.

    Wax instead or just leave it if no ones going to see it ;P

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