
Awww please me with my diet?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i've been on a diet for three weeks now, and a week ago i was 126.6 and right now im 129.2 what am i doing wrong, im eating the same. can someone tell me how to lose it and keep it off! i want to be 112lbs, by late feb.




  1. if you want to lose weight you have to find your BMR which will tell you how many calories you need to intake daily to stay at your current weight. then work out a plan where you eat less calories than your BMR every day and you will lose weight

  2. You didn't say what else you're doing to lose the weight.  Are you working out or are you just 'dieting'?  And if you're eating the same, that's not really a diet, is it?

    You need to give us more information as to what you're trying to do to lose the weight.  Have you cut down on portions?  Eating more meals, but smaller portions?  Working out at all?  Those are all important in the fight to lose weight.

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