
Axel jump help!!?

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I've been working on my axel for quite a long time now. When i land, i seem to land spinning. LIke i don't jump high enough. But no matter how i try, i just cant jump high enough. My coach says my waltz jump is really great cuz i jump really high on it and my legs are really far apart on it. Also, i can do a perfect axel off ice! Just not on ice! Any tips? advice? suggestions?

also, i've tried waltz jump back scratch spin and half axels....




  1. Now, all you have to think is that an axel is basically a waltz jump and a back scratch spin in the air. It really is simple, if you think about it. To help, practice a lot of waltz jumps, and right when you land pull in to a tight back scratch spin. Also, practice half-axels, waltzjump claps...etc.

    What you should do is practice a LOT of off-ice axels. Believe it or not, axels off-ice are harder than on-ice ones, so if you can do it off-ice, you can do it on-ice. It's just all in your mind! You THINK you'll fall, but how will you know? Im not saying you're not going to fall, but really, after you fall a lot of times, you get used to it!

    Also, everytime you're about to do your axel, imagine yourself landing a perfect axel. And don't think about the axel too much. Try not to stress too much about the arms, legs, rotations...Just do it! After much practice, you'll get the hang of it. You just need confidence in yourself!

    Best of luck! =)

  2. If you can do it off ice you can do it on ice. Dont doubt yourself, and dont second guess. Most importantly: DONT THINK ABOUT IT! Just consider an axel to be a big waltz jump plus pulling in. Once you land it off a ice a bunch like you have, it will become second nature. Then on ice it will happen.

    if you land spinning, your not checking out hard enough. Whats the purpose of a check? To stop the rotation of a jump!! So make sure your left arm is crossed over your chest (at least a little bit) and that your arms look like a check.

    You also might be spinning because your not getting the full rotation of the axel. Make sure you pull in your arms and legs COMPLETLY on the rotation.

    To help checking out: (OFF ICE, or on i guess if you have time)

    1. stand in a loop position (like your just about to jump into a loop)

    2.Jump but dont rotate at all!! Pull in your arms and legs in the jump. So basically your jumping up in the loop position, pulling in, and landing without rotating facing the same way.

    3. When you land, heres where you practice that dreadful check out. Bring your left leg thats crossed over and pull up and out (to sort of unravel it) and bring your arms out into that check.

    Dont know if that made sense, but it really helped me.

  3. I've also spent a LONG time on my axel, and I'm still working on it now. However, I can land it 80 percent of the time, so I'll help you with what I know. First of all, it's VERY difficult to try and imagine you're on the ground, THEN land it one ice. Also, I think the sensation of landing on ice and land are very different. One of the things I have found that help are to practice off and one ice. First, find a steady bench. Position yourself so you're chest is facing outward, away from the bench. Spread your arms out, then jump as if you're doing the axel, onto the bench. Note: do NOT jump a whole one and a half circles, only a slight turn. This is only to help with your jumping. When you're doing it ON the ice, when you jump, jump HIGH, and do it so it's like you're stepping onto the bench. Also, when you land, try to plan it in your head, be in position seconds before you actually land on the ground. This way, you don't spin.

    Hope this helps. Also, I'm wondering if you dread the axel during class. Because I definitely do, and I'm trying rid myself of the phobia, 'cause it's interfering with doubles. XD

    Good luck!

  4. It will come you just have to practice really really hard.. If you can't get high off of the ice try to put your lifting leg in more of a "h" position before you snap that will make your jump higher and be sure to have lots of speed (I just learned today that speed helps because I landed my double lutz with lots of speed but I couldn't land it when I had no speed) same goes for axel. Remember to keep your arms in front when you are gliding backwards and pull them back as far as you can when you step forward and when you are beginning to pull up into the air pretend you are holding a loaf of bread and don't let go until you have snapped in your air position. And be sure you don't have an "air chair" like that is where you look like you are sitting in a chair while your in the air. If you have this then that could be a reason why you can't get around.

    Good luck =]] ♥
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