
Axis and Allies Revised next move?

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Ok, I am playing the allies.I just took France via amphibious assault, and there are only 7 infantry, 3 tanks, and 2 artillary in it. Germany will probably counter attack with what it has left, or just rebuild to defend Berlin. Stupid me, I pushed D Day too quickly, not allowing enough time to build a second wave of reinforcements. UK can muster 2 more infantry to UK via transport. The German's naval fleet in Norway, is locked in by a massive combination of allied ships. Germany also built a fleet of 1 Battleship, 2 Transports, 1 Sub, and 1 Destroyer in the Med Sea. US has a nicely sized fleet in the little SZ off Alaska after a susseccful attempt to counterattack Japan's amphibious assault on Alaska. Russia has been pushed back to Causus and Moscow. They do have enough forces to hold their position. Japan's fleet of 2 Battleships, 1 Aircraft Carrier w/ 2 fighters, 1 destroyer and 3 transports is in the Alaskan SZ.

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  1. Buy ground troops to follow up your invasion, or build up for the next one if you get pushed back out. Destroy the German fleet with as large a naval/air attack as possible. Germany generally won't have the funds to build another fleet, so you can divert most of that to dealing with the Japanese. You need to keep pressure on the Germans, give the Russians time to build for a counter offensive. And once you've established naval superiority in the European theater you can retake Africa, the Germans will be hard pressed to maintain any forces there without secure transport.

    Good luck.

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