
BBT Question. Please Help...!!!!?

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Hey Ladies =]

I have been trying to temp for the last month. But I have a very weird schedule and its not really working out. My husband works 6pm to 6 am and I usually leave the house at bout 5:50am. I am usually up at 4:30 am or 5. It depends on how tired I am.Then I come home and sleep alittle more and then wake up for the day. He works shift work so sometimes he will work monday and tuesday and then have off thrs and friday and then work the weekend. Then the next week it the opposite. When he is not at work usually wake up between 9:30 and 10 am. So you can see my problem. But what I want to know is that if I come home and go back to sleep could I still take my temp when I wake up if I get 4 to 5 hrs sleep? Or does It have to be right in the morning before you wake up? Thanks. =]




  1. You should take it as soon as you wake up the first time (4:30-5) and dont do anything else before taking your temp. Keep the thermometer right by your bad and pop it in your mouth immediately.  

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