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  1. Beagle

  2. This question cannot be answered unless we know more about your lifestyle. Different breeds suit different lifestyles. If you are planning on purchasing a dog, sit down with a dog encyclopedia or go to a dog show to learn more about what breeds will suit your life style. Good luck!

  3. between the 2, poodle.  smarter, less stubborn, bark less, not in a hunting mood all the time.  

  4. beagle cuz they r so cute ahnd very playful

  5. Beagles and poodles are practically polar opposites. Please give us some info on your lifestyle.  

  6. UMM tough question. Both are not my favorite breed. I would say if you cannot stand barking, don't go with the beagle! They are cute and all, but I used to see (when I worked at a shelter) beagles returned because of their barks. They are not for everyone. Poodles are nice and usually pretty sweet, but I just don't think they have enough personality.. that's just me. I have never had a problem with either.. :) oh poodles need a lot of grooming and maintenance. keep that in mind.  

  7. poodle .......because they rock

  8. Poodle, without hesitation.

    Poodles are intelligent, friendly dogs that are very family oriented and extremely faithful. They're easily trained, and very easy to care for.

    Beagles are frequent barkers, they run at any scent, they're loud, stubborn, and silly.

  9. Poodle they are smarter & beagles like to roam.

  10. ok please dont take this the wrong way but i like a beagle better ....... my husband says poodles are for g*y people i dont know why he says this he just does i use to have a poole and there very smart dogs so really i like them both..........but a beagle has less manitance no grooming

  11. Those dogs are like two opposites

    I would go with a poodle. Beagles are incredibly stubborn and hard to train. Their trainability is like a 1 on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the best. Poodles are the exact opposite, extremely smart and love to be trained. Then again, you arent mentioning what size poodle. If you live with young children a standard poodle is fine but not a miniature poodle. Beagles are good with people though. You need to specify more.

  12. My opinion is, beagle. I personally like beagles more then poodles because... beagles are more playful then poodles. You also have to groom the poodle, they can shed, poodles need a lot of care. And it also depends on which size of the poodle. There's the big kind, the small kind, the medium size kind. The Large size needs to be walked 2 times a day. They also need  to excersise every single day and you have to brush their teeth... Well all dogs need that type of care but, you know what I mean. So anyways. Beagles... Yes, I know they love to howl at night... but I know this sounds mean but, whenever you hear him howl... Go up to him and SLAP him right across the nose! I recommend Beagles better. I dont like poodles that much. =/ I hope i Helped! ;-)
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