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there is no way someone that has droug and alcohol problems can come out of rehab that quick! its a scandal he can go die!!!




  1. Just look how fit he is! Do you really think he had/has a major drug problem!? a problem maybe but not a major one! Anyway whatever his case, if he's of the drugs when he plays and trains then i don't really have a problem with him! Great effort to get back i say!

  2. The whole wishing death thing is sooo not cool, yes its bad that he had those problems but seriously some sports stars get way more publicity then they should they are there to play sport not to be celebrities. And AFL SUCKS BIG TIME!!!! its for losers. RUGBY IS THE BOMB-DIGGITY!!!

  3. Are u jelous?I dont go for the eagles BUT i think he should be commended for his efforts.Give the guy a break.Have you never done something wrong in your life?If he has turned his life around he should be an inspiration to others who have gone down the wrong path.

  4. Get a life, Ben has been in rehab for a month and your criticizing him. Your evil.

  5. you don't know sh#t impossible is nothin he could get over his drug problems for the thing he loves to do AFL. You probably think this because you might take drugs.

  6. I think hes a week grub, who wouldn't last 5 minutes in Rugby League !

  7. yaa rite.....

  8. Just goes to show if you put your mind to it you can achieve any thing.

    Instead of putting him down he should be shown as an example to kids who are Chrystal meth addicts that it is not the end of your life unless you choose it to be.

    One thing though I do think that Ben still has a lot to answer for and he should have to go to schools and talk about how it could happen to anyone and if it saves one kid from becoming an addict that can only be a good thing

  9. Get a life. Seriously you are obviously pissed off. Get a grip what has he evr done to you? Not only is it harsh to wish someoe to die, it is unfair and selfish and would only come from someone who is a real sore loser. Seriously wishing someone to die won't do anything. What you wish to others will happen to yourself. He doesn't suck big time, which has been proven by professionals and himself with winning various awards such as a brownlow and being a captian. Seriously though, whether or not you like someone is up to you, but I think we should realise the actual problem here. Drugs. If players (notice the plural) from different clubs (also notice the plural)  are getting drugs it is really saying something. Drugs are a problem, but if we don't give people a second chance and say they die when they do something wrong we would all be dead. we should applaud what he has done. How would you know whether or not someone can do that or not? I f you were a professional, you would appluad ben cousins, if you were a previous druggie then you wouldnt say anyhting like that coz you'd know and if you worked at the place or had a friend who was a druggie you'd believe in second chances. So obviously you are just upset that he is back playing footy coz your team got trhashed or is going to get thrashed by him. seriously, give some people a chance.

  10. Yes I agree he sucks, but the dying bit is going too far.

  11. yeah i don't wish him death but the guy should have been given the ar$e from AFL,Wendall sailor was sacked for cocaine what makes Ben cousins ant better?the AFL need to get fairdinkum about drugs in footy with a zero tolerance policy not this 3 strikes rubbish,at my job id get 0 chances if i was caught on drugs or alcohol-why should footy players be cut any slack?.

  12. minger hahah nah i love ya rach. but ben rocks, and you know it

  13. half the country agrees with you

  14. i agree.(although not about the dying bit)

    what ticks me off most of all about his situation is that he has had his whole life handed back to him on a plate.  fair enough he's had a pay cut, but so what?  at least he HAS a job to go to.

    this is NOT how real life works.  i know, because i am an ex meth (ice) addict - from perth.

    the fact that it's public that he has a drug problem as serious as that, and the lighthearted outcome like he's a hero, makes addiction seem of little consequence and is nothing short of adisgraceful role model for vulnerable people.

    meth is a very, very difficult drug to rid your life of.  although i'm sure rehab helped him a lot - but getting into rehab is not easy and not all of us get that opportunity.

    i've now been clean for three years and I'm STILL putting my life back together.  bit different for ben cousins though isn't it?

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