
BOXER Bernard Hopkins RACIST??

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I quote..... "You're not even in my league!" Hopkins shouted at Calzaghe. "I would never let a white boy beat me. I would never lose to a white boy. I couldn't go back to the projects if I let a white boy beat me."

So this type of talk is alowed now is it?? Im sure there would have been up roar if it was the other way round?? Mind you, who cares if you upset a white person these days hey (much much sarcasm in my voice)




  1. This was all hype leading up to the boxing match.  People are making way too much out of it..  It is called promoting the fight.  Remember Ali and Frazier.  Yes Ali went to far in calling Frazier an Uncle Tom as Frazier was as proud of his race as Ali.

    Hopkins and his hood representing an executioner is not going to go out and kill people.  It is all to promote a fight.  Hopkins to my knowledge is not a racist.

  2. It's probably just trash talk, but it could be a ghetto thing. (never lose to the white man!)

    Trash talk = Hype = $$$

  3. I doubt he is really any more racist than the normal person, probably just trying to hype the fight, is sad though that if Calzage said something like that he would be crucified. I usually like Hopkins, but glad he had to eat those words.

  4. Personally, I disapprove of anyone downing another because of race, regardless of who it is. Unfortunately, there's not much I can do about that. Hopkins made his statement, so all I could do was sit back and see if he would back up his statements. In the end, Hopkins ended up eating those bold words.

  5. yeah fs, if it was the other way about calzaghe would be stripped of his belt or somthing.  People over react to people calling people coloured, black etc nowadays.

  6. Well,  he actually won so he can go back to the hood.

  7. Dont take anything personally with thoses remarks.It is all to promote the fight.Its the same thing as Mike Tyson when he told Lennox Lewis "i want to eat your kids".Its just promotion.Even Mike Tyson said after his fight with Lewis that its promotion.But if he actually fell that way then shame on him.

  8. i think you are right he is defo racist h also said whit men cant punch well that fool got one of the white mans almighty punches on sat night well it looks like the thing tht got me was it was printed all over the sun newspaper about him saying about white men and not one person said a thing it makes me sick how people wont stand up for there own there to scared coz if you do standup to it you will be the on in sh.... for it.

  9. It's all hype. That's how boxers sell tickets. His conditioning coach is white so I doubt he's racist. It's only words so get over it.

  10. Might as well get used to it cause thats the way it is now days. White people have to watch their mouths and not say anything even close to being racial but on the other hand Hopkins can say what he said and get away with it....Why do black people have such a long leash while white people dont...I guess it all goes back to slavery....GUESS WHAT SLAVERY IS OVER!!! GET OVER IT!!

  11. It's just trash talk get over it, after all for centuries blacks could not even compete for the championship so what's a little trash talk going to do to your ego?

  12. Sure it is a little bit of a double standard but it was all hype. Bernard is very calculated and tries to get into people's heads before fights. He wanted to shake Joe's confidence is all but he was unable to do that and Joe stayed focused and didn't lose control but stuck to his gameplan. (Although he did showboat a couple times.) I like Hopkins and don't think he is racist. This tactic isn't knew if you remember when he fought Trinidad he threw the Puerto Rican flag on the ground several times - now if someone did that to the U.S. flag we would have villified them as well. But for whatever reason some people can get away with things while others cannot.

  13. Although I think it was mostly to hype up the fight I do think Hopkins was talking seriously. I also thought it was wrong, but I think a lot of white journalist where too scarred to touch the subject and simply wrote that up as a joke. If it would have been a white man both black, and white people would be in an uproar!

  14. Hopkins may be racist or he may be trash talking.  The real point here is that the remark cost Hopkins the fight, just as Larry Holmes' comment some years ago about Rocky Marciano cost him 'big time' in his two losses to Michael Spinks.  The White Boss will not tolerate this type of disrespect.  When one judge scores this fight 9 rounds to 3 you know something is happening.  Bernard won the first three and apparently lost every other round,  many of which were very close.  Even if the third was scored for Calzaghe it leaves only 1 of 8 for Hopkins who was entirely unmarked, perhaps a bit tired, though many observers scored the 12th for Bernard.  Another judge had it 8-4.  I had  it six each giving  Hopkins a one point win.  This was a fairly common scorecard although 7-5 Calzaghe is acceptable if you like the guy who is creating the action and IF YOU HAVE NO VESTED INTEREST IN THE OUTCOME!!!

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