
BT Billing complaints??

by  |  earlier

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Is there anyway I can actually talk to a British person when calling BT. I have just spend 45 minutes on the phone so someone who couldnt understand me, trying to complain about the total mess Bt have made of my last bill. It has tripled in the last month, they have added charges that should be there and changed me from monthly to quarterly billing.




  1. Online, if there is a call you don't recognise or disagree with, you can contact them (I think there is a box to tick at the bottom of the page showing the calls) on line. I did that and the calls in question were removed from my bill.

  2. I am having the EXACT same problem, I am calling them later on, and I will persist until I get some phone no or address of  UK based customer centre.  

    I will EDIT and update and let ya know how I get on.

  3. Soon Taarrii, they will have offices on the lunar surface - this being the only available place in the universe with enough space to accommodate a 'complaints' call centre.

    They will be manned by Martians who can speak and understand the language in a more befitting manor than at present.

    BT have an entry now in the Guiness Book of Records as the most non-user friendly company on planet earth.

    As soon as your contract will allow - dump them.

    FROM:  Receiver also of a 'tripled' monthly bill which is totally non-understandable and extends to some 20 pages in length.

    (I believe they are using "Confuse and conquer" tactics")

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