
BaBY SITTING?!?!?!?! need immediate help!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm going to go and babysit for my little cousin. I have seen her at family parties and she is adorable. but when ever i make eye contact with her, or smile at her she makes this disgusted face and starts to cry and moan. i don't know why she does this. is it because she doesn't like me or because at parties, it is very crowded and shes always getting bombarded by people? i need some advice!!!!!


she isn't even 1 year old yet.




  1. Hey I had the same problem.

    She probably just doesnt recognize you.

    You have to play with her and make sure she knows ur cool.

    shes shy im sure.

    Just play with her and give hugs.

    and if she starts to cry pick her up and rock with her.

    Whisper to her that shell be okay. and even sing!

    Works everytime!

    Hope I helped!


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