
Babies and the pool?

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Hey mummies,

My daughter who is almost 5 months loves the water and I was wondering if it would be okay to take her to the pool this weekend, when I rang the pool a couple of months ago they said that she would have to be 6 months to do the lessons but do you think it would be okay to take her now? She probably wouldnt be able to stay long because she would get tired. How did your kiddies go with the pool?




  1. Both of my daughters LOVED the pool! They were born in hot months so they were a little younger than 5 months when they had their first "swim" but none theless LOVED IT!

    You can take her to the pool anytime you want...just make sure to keep her away from others seeing as they could jump on her or bump into her.I went to a friend's house that had a private pool for the residents so there wasn't that many people in it...but yeah they are 4 and 1 now and STILL love the pool.

  2. Go for it! Just take her for a general swim and some fun. And once she is 6 months then start her in lessons.

    Congratulations on your baby girl

  3. I worked with a family as a nanny who had a six year-old and a one month-old. During the summer, the six year-old had lots of swimming lessons. I and the infant (who was two months old when the 6 y/o started taking the lessons) would sit on the side and enjoy the good weather, or go in the kiddie pool for some sitting splash time. The parents encouraged me to take the infant into the kiddie pool as long as the infant wasn't sleepy or cranky, and she always loved the feel of the cool water as long as she wasn't already in a bad mood. After swimming lessons, her 6 y/o brother would come join us, and learned some basic rules for being in the pool with the real young ones.

    The pool and poolside is a great place for a baby. They get fresh air and new experiences, and lots of babies love the feel of water...kinda reminds them of the womb, some think.

    Go for it, and enjoy the bonding time!

  4. I have never been to any lessons but my daughter has been going to the pool since she was 6 weeks old and loves it. My mothers group meets at the pool once a week and all the bubs have a dip. They think its great. I always bath her when we get home and dont put her head under the water (yet), she is 15 weeks

  5. my son is now 9 months but we've been swimming all summer. its great exercise and mine sleeps so well at night after an afternoon of swimming: )

  6. I had both of my daughters in the pool at 3 months of age, they loved it so much that at 6 months my daughter and I both went for a mom and baby's swim class at an indoor pool. It was great and both of us loved it. Go for it the two of you well become closer Its a great experience.

  7. Baby loves the pool!  We've been in since 6 months and bath time is a lot wetter thanks to the pool time!!  Lots of kicking!

  8. Why not wait another month ?  What is the hurry ?

  9. My daughter started mommies and me swimming at 3 months. I always put her in the shower to wash the chlorine off afters. She loved it. Try to find a nice heated pool though, they get chilly so quick. I am sure your daughter will like the water!
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