
Baby Girl Name Decision

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We already had some ideas in mind for the name of our baby girl. We quite like Amelie and we have made a short list of names we would like you to choose middle names for.






The last name is Jenkins




  1. I like






    good luck x

  2. Isabella is my favourite, they are all quite pretty, girly names though.

  3. i love the names amelie and eloise. so why not amelie eloise.

    amelie isabella would also be pretty.

    good luck and congraqulations

  4. how about amelie -isabelle jenkins...

    i think that sounds beautiful :)

    good luck deciding and may your daughter always be healthy!

  5. Isabelle Grace

    Amelie Belle

    Megan Belle

    Eloise Isabella

    Isabella Marie

  6. I like Amelie and Eloise, both are very nice.

    If I were to chose middle names I would chose:

    Amelie Annabelle

    Eloise Elisabeth

    However my favorite combination is the two combined: Amelie Eloise or Eloise Amelie.

  7. I only like Amelie and Isabella. Middle names could be Grace, Rose, Hope,Elizabeth, Marie, Louise,Jo and Anne.

  8. Megan Olivia,

    Isabelle Grace,

    Amelie Mai,

    I really dont like Eloise, sorry

  9. Is Amelie pronounced like Emily? If so, that is a lovely name, but too common. Isabelle/Isabella are beautiful, and so is Megan. But I don't like Eloise. Megan Michelle could be nice. Isabelle Joy is cute. Or Isabella Marie. Make sure the middle name flows right, and it's cute when the middle name's first letter matches the first letter of the first/last name. Well, good luck, and hope I helped!

  10. I love Amelie too!

    Amelie Lynn

    Amelie Rose

    Amelie Grace

    Amelie Ellison

    Amelie Linette

    Amelie Lomasi

    Isabelle Katherine

    Isabelle Kirsten

    Isabelle Olivia

    Eloise Soleil

    Eloise Allison

    Eloise Amber

    Megan Nicole

    Megan Ashley

    Megan Anne

  11. The top 3 middle names I like for each of those names are:

    Amelie Kate,

    Amelie Nicole,

    Amelie Jade,

    Isabelle Felicity,

    Isabelle Daisy,

    Isabelle Olivia,

    Isabella Emily,

    Isabella Katie,

    Isabella Grace,

    Eloise Grace,

    Eloise Jasmine,

    Eloise Rachel,

    Megan Kate,

    Megan Grace,

    Megan Ella.

    All of the names you have chosen are lovely...especially Megan.  If it was me I'd name her Megan Ella.  Congrats anyway and I hope that helped.

  12. Amelie Megan Jenkins

  13. Isabella Megan

    Amelia Michelle

  14. Amelie Marie Jenkins

    Isabelle/Isabella Marie Jenkins

    Eloise Jamie Jenkins

    Megan Sarah Jenkins


  15. I think all of these names are lovely and whichever name she ends up with off of your short list will be great.  

    As far as middle names...

    Amelie Ann (cute if you don't mind the repeated A sounds)

    Amelie Rae

    Isabelle Ruth

    Isabelle Marie

    Eloise Rose

    Eloise Mae

    Megan Sue

    Megan Elizabeth

  16. Hi Congrats on the baby. Instead of Isabella with an a what about isobella with an o. So it could be Amelie Isobella Jenkins. Jenkins was my Grans maiden name. All the best and remember that just as important are the initials of the names.

  17. Amelie Grace Jenkins

    Isabelle Marie Jenkins

    Eloise May Jenkins

    Megan Eve Jenkins

  18. just try putting faith, rose, marie, or grace   thay sound nice with most first and last names no matter how mixed up they are

  19. Hi,

    They are all beautiful names (:

    I would say Isabelle/Isabella is best,

    but what about Annabel Jenkins

    I think that goes perfectly

    Congrats anyway (:

  20. Amelie Grace Jenkins

    Isabelle Marie Jenkins

    Isabella Morgan Jenkins

    Eloise Camille Jenkins

    Megan Alyse Jenkins

    Isabella Morgan and Megan Alyse are my favorites.

    Good luck, I hope I helped!

  21. Amelie Isabella Jenkins

  22. They're all nice names

    My sister is called Eloise Emily and she gets lots of compliments on her name. It also isnt very common which is good.

    Isabelle and isabella are also lovely names!

  23. I love Isabella Megan - I see someone else has suggested this one too - think the names go very well together.

  24. I like Eloise Megan Jenkins and Isabelle Amelie Jenkins.

  25. I like any combination of Amelie, Isabelle and Eloise but I'm not keen on Megan I'm afraid.

  26. Amelie is a wonderful cute name :D

    Isabelle and Isabella are common but cute also, i like Isabella better.

    Eloise is not my type of name

    Megan is kinda cute

    Amelie Maria

    Amelie Isabella

    Amelie Cassandra

    Amelie Elizabeth

    Amelie Ryleigh

    Isabella Cassandra

    Isabella Bailey

    Isabella Lee

    Isabella Emerie

    Isabella Renee

    Isabelle Ericka

    Isabelle Lauren

    Isabelle Mia

    Isabelle Sydney

    Eloise Karen

    Eloise Isabella

    Eloise Dorinda

    Eloise Lily

    Eloise Gianna

    Eloise Michelle

    Megan Amelia

    Megan Tana

    Megan Marissa

    Megan Sarah

    Megan Amerie

    Megan Maria

    Megan Gianna

    Hopefully i helped :D :D :D :D

  27. Eloise Isabella Jenkins


    Is Eloise pronounced El-louise btw?  

  28. Amelie Corinne popped into my head just now.

    LOVE Amelie BTW, and Isabelle is also lovely.

    Eloise and Megan are nice but not great, IMO.

  29. I love Isabelle and Isabella!

    Isabelle Therese( ter rayce)

    Isabella Amelia

    Isabella Eloise

    Good luck and congrats! :)

  30. Amelie is okay but I prefer Amelia (Mia) personally.  I also think it could do with an accent on the first E.  

    I like Isabelle or Isabella.  I think you should use whichever one goes the best with your last name.  Isabelle has Izzy for a nickname but Isabella can have Izzy or Bella.  

    I love Eloise, it is uncommon too which I think is good.  

    I prefer Margaret with Meg as a nickname to Megan.  

  31. Amelie Rose Jenkins or Amelie Violet Jenkins

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