
Baby Name - Responsibility...?

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OK - now that I have you attention...

Please evaluate the following statement and tell me why it is/isn't true. Thanks!

"Naming babies is NOT a right of parents - it is a responsibility."




  1. I agree. I hate it when I hear about famous people naming their kids something crazy, my favorite would have to be Pilot Inspekotor. That is a terrible name! There is being creative, and then there is being crazy, and parents do not have the right to give their kids a crazy name. If they like it, they should change their own name.

  2. Erm... sure you should prolly take into account the fact that your baby has to live with it's name, but it's your baby and you can name it what you like.

    If it wasn't a parent's right, you would wait til the kid was old enough to pick it's own name, and name it then.

    If you go on with it being a responsibility, then really, shouldn't you have to take a poll with every one you love and respect about what the baby's name should be?

    In the end, you have to shape and mold the person, you have to call the name when they're lost or naughty, call them what you like. usually, people love their babies, and so call them names that mean something to them.

  3. I think it is both. While parents are given the right to name their child, they must be responsible and choose a name that will not disadvantage their child in the future.  

  4. what's wrong with Sterling? it's been used as a name for at least several generations now.

    some of those names are ethnic. are you going to say that everyone has to have a western, or American, name?

    most of those names are outrageous, yes. but many would say the same about names like Patience or Daisy, who should have the say where to draw the line?

  5. There was an article on Yahoo just a few weeks ago.

    Some parents named their kids "Lula does the Hula in Hawaii"

    The judge made them change the name . . .

    It was a good article, but I don't remember the title (LOL)

  6. It's a right of course! Parents don't have to name their babies, sometimes other people do, but--what kind of a question is this?

  7. i agree with this statement,

    i remember thinking this exact thing when thinking of a name for my daughter, of course what you like comes into it but this child has to live with this name for the rest of her/his life.

    my husband and i wanted a 'different' name but not one that would be a burden on her. i love peaches but please not a good name for the rest of a child's life!!!

    we went with Zara Ashlee in the end,  different not many people have this name and she would have to spell it out for the rest of her life.

    think long and hard and think of the child!!!


  8. To me that says that when naming a baby you should be thinking of their future, not expressing your own individuality. Alot of babies these days are given very strange names because the parents don't want to "be like everyone else" or whatever other reason. This is suggesting that it's not for a parent to do this but instead be responsible and think about the poor child who has to walk around with that name for the rest of their life (or at least until they're old enough to change it). I agree with that personally but that's just me

  9. I guess it's true in a way. Parents should think about what their child will go through with that name. They shouldn't name them something like Evening Skye or Heaven Leigh. It will just cause the child to hate and then change their name.

    But also, it is the parents' right. They should be able to name their child what they want, because maybe it is special to them.

    It's a difficult subject.

  10. i agree but thats as much as am saying. there are 'unfit' mothers on this thing who want to kill me.

  11. Well, I guess that statement can go either way.

    It's a responsibility because you shouldn't give your child a "bad" name.

    However, it's a right, because the parents define what are "bad" and "good" names.

    It all depends on how you look at it.


    Well, I guess "It's your baby and you can name it what you like" can be showing the parent's creativity. I believe if you have to carry this child in your stomach for nine months, you should be able to name it what you like. I don't think any parents name their children names so they will get made fun of.

    "It's your baby and you can do with it what you like" is kind of different. You probably shouldn't sell your baby on e-bay or anything, but you could take it camping and things like that. It all depends on how you look at the statement.

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