my neighboors have a tree in there yard, and they don't want it, so they are going to knock it down in 9 days....
well there is a nest in the tree, and it has to eggs in it and one newly hatched baby....
in 9 days...or so, they should be fledgin[leaving the nest] write?
well, they have like ALOT of cats, and I just know that when they knock down the tree in 9 days..the babies are doomed...
and there 4 year old little boy KILLS baby birds ALL the time...
so, I offered to take the nest of babies in 9 days, and raise them till they are old enough to take care of themselves..
becuase they are going to die without me..
so when I do go and get the nest[in 9 days] what should I feed them?? because they will be old enough to be on there own...kindof....so what should i feed themmm???????
thankyou[this is not illegal because im just caring for them for a few days then im letting them go]