
Baby boy names :) help ?

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Tell me what you think of these names :)

You can pair them up and tell me your faves :) ?










Please answer.

Thanks :)




  1. i like




    and Elliot.

    Hope i helped!

    Good luck with the baby!

    Oh! i also saw your girls name question. Are you having twins??

    if so, good luck x2 !



  2. Tyler, Ryan, Riley, Elliot!  All names that i love =)

  3. Elliot and Ryan

  4. if i could offer some choices of my own:

    Junkyard Jesse



    Big Toe Jones

    Crystal Ballasteros

    hope those helped

  5. I like Elliot and Finley is nice too, though I like the shorter name Finn better. Keiron sounds too similar to the feminine name Karen. As for Corinthian... I'm not a fan of the odd biblical chapter names for a child. My cousin's name is Leviticus and he hates it; luckily it can be shortened to Levi, which is what he goes by.

  6. Elliot is a great name

    Riley is 2nd best

    Tyler 3rd :)

    and people should stop ragging on the name Corinthian, its sorta cute :)  (nickname Corin)

  7. Caleb is gorgeous. Caleb Lewis goes nice together

    Finley James

    Ryan John

    Lewis Elliot

    Not keen on the other names

  8. Hi!  I like

    Caleb Riley (although I prefer Riley as a girls name)

    Ryan Elliot

    Keiron Finley

    Tyler Lewis!  

    Corinthian Finley

    Those all sound great together!

  9. Corinthian?  Two Pints is taking the mick out of chavs, its ironic, that's why its funny!  You cannot name a little boy Corinthian!  Read the book of Corinthians, its in the bible!

    The other names are fine though.

  10. Ryan Elliot

  11. I like Tyler, Ryan, Lewis, and Elliot. Ryan's my favorite.

  12. i really like Aaden....but i like Tyler and caleb too

  13. Dont like any of them.

    Dylan, Paul, Dafydd, Steffan, Osian, Owen, John, Marc,  

  14. Favorite: Ryan or Ryan Tyler

  15. hey im REALLY sorry and dont mean to offend you but if u give ur kid a name like corinthian he might get beet uup...riley i think is a girls name...finley?...keiron?...the rest i think are good...i like luke, brandon, truman, joshua, christopher, joeseph, kevin, nicholas, david, dylan, and logan...but hey hes ur kid name him whatever u want ;)


    oh and congrats on the baby!

  16. I like Lewis and Elliot

  17. Caleb

    Ryan Lewis

  18. Tyler Lewis--like

    Finley Ryan--like

    Caleb Elliot--love

    Ryan Keiron--love

    Lewis Finley--love

    Corinthian riley--like

    Keiron Tyler--like

    Riley Corinthian--love

    Elliot Tyler--love










  19. Does it have to be these??????

    My son is called Percy and his cousin is Herbert.

    But if it is only the above i think....

    Ryan and Riley

  20. I like Tyler and Lewis. The only name you've listed that I'm not particularly fond of is Corinthian. If you really like that name, it could be quite a nice middle name though.

  21. Tyler, Caleb, Ryan, and Riley are my favorites out of your list.

    Lewis, Finley, and maybe Elliot would work well as middle names...

    Tyler Elliot

    Tyler Lewis

    Caleb Ryan

    Caleb Riley

    Ryan Finley

    Ryan Tyler

    Riley Lewis

    Riley Elliot

    I picked them, because they seemed to have the best flow with each other.

  22. Tyler is too popular but it's okay.


    Caleb is good but I like it better spelled Kaleb.

    Love Ryan.  Louis...yes.

    Corinthian?  Are you serious?

    Keiron is alright I guess.  I like it better as Kieran.

    Riley is good.

    Elliot...not so much.

    I like Ryan Louis and Kaleb Riley.

  23. Ok, stay away from Ryan and Lewis as it's becoming very VERY common. And Corinthian? You are aware that it's a joke name made up on 2 pints of lager and a packet of crisps aren't you. it's a football team

  24. Taylor Rae,

    James Ryan,

  25. Elliot is my favourite out of those. :]

  26. Tyler - it's nice but i know so many people with little boys called Tyler.

    Finley - Is my nephews name, it was very original when he was born 10-years-ago but is quite popular now.

    Caleb - i have never liked this name.

    Ryan - is very cute

    Lewis - again, very cute

    Corinthian = ewwwww, really not keen!

    Keiran - it's OK

    Riley - so sweet.

    Elliot - not keen

    My fav from the list is Riley.

    I like - Lennon, Mason, Charlie and Harrison.

  27. Favourite - Least Favourite

    Tyler - I love this name. I think its very cute and it isnt too common.

    Riley - I think its a lovely name.

    Keiron - Nice and masculine. Its heard of, but not over used.

    Elliot - Nice.

    Lewis - Nice but quite common. I prefer more unsual and less common names.

    Caleb - Not too bad.

    Finley - A nice name, but when I hear it I picture a baby not an older boy.

    Ryan - Very, very common and too plain and boring for me.

    Corinthian - Dont like it at all.


    Tyler Lewis

    Elliot Riley

    Keiron Finley

    Ryan Tyler

    Caleb Ryan

  28. I think out of your list Ryan and Tyler are the best..... If i have a little boy i like the names Jayden, Jarred, Lewis, Ashton Hope these help

  29. My favorite are:





    Tyler Elliot

    Ryan Riley

    Elliot Ryan

    Riley Tyler

    Hope this helped!

  30. if u decide 2 choose caleb u should spell it like this kayleb its more unusal

    and a nice name

    and i like tyler

    lewis is a bit common

    i would go or kayleb or tyler  

  31. Caleb

    is the best

    i like tyler to but it is to common

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