
Baby dropping? Pains?

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Ok so I am 3 days shy of being 32 weeks. I have had a slight suspicion that I could be a little farther along. Earlier today I had noticed that I was able to see more of the ground (lol) directly under me when I walked, then a little while ago I was changing my shirt and my husband asked if the baby had dropped already. So I know I'm not just imagining it. I've also had slight menstrual like cramps for the past half hour or so and my lower back is aching a little, I haven't had back pain at all my entire pregnancy except when I've been standing for at least half an hour nonstop. And I know that's not the case here because I've been sitting down the whole time..

So I'm not sure if I should be a little concerned right now, or if I should just shrug it off as late pregnancy discomfort?

Thank you in advance!




  1. Your body is just getting ready for birth. My babies both dropped early too... I kept thinking it meant something! Nope. I was late with both. So dont go off that and the pains is just normal.... your getting close so your body is getting ready. Im 16 weeks and Im having pains like contractions for the last couple weeks. My body is just adjusting. Its weird to me too. I didnt have that with my other two. So I think your just fine! :)  

  2. Yes, most likely your baby dropping into position. This can happen at any time during your last trimester and doesn't mean that labor is going to happen anytime soon. You will be able to breath easier and will feel more pressure on your bladder, pelvis and back as your body adjusts to this new position. More things to watch for as your body begins to prepare for birth below. This preparation takes weeks. You will feel some discomfort for a bit, until your body gets used to the new positioning. A warm bath at night can help with these adjustments and your comfort.

    To locate your estimated due date, take the first day of your last period and count forward 42 weeks if you are a first-time mother. Best wishes, G

  3. I'm not saying your in labor but that describes the beginning of my labor before i had my twin girls

  4. I'm about 31 weeks and I've been having cramps and back pain as well which I haven't had at all though out the pregnancy.  I asked my mom about this she said its just the baby starting to drop and get into place,  I've also noticed shes moving alot more like shes doing somersaults in my stomach.  I wouldn't worry about it but my Doctor did tell me if I get 10- cramps in an hour to go to the hospital.  Good luck and Con-grates

  5. well i just review this material in OB and true pregnancy is characterized by regular contractions that increase in intensity and frequency, and also pain that radiates from the back, also if you get up and walk around and the contractions get more intense then chances are u are probably in true labor

  6. welll wut u SHOULD do is not ask ppl on here and ask a doctor or sumone who knows. because you never kno who reallii knows here [:

  7. Late pregnancy discomfort....if it persists call doctor in morning.....if you feel regular tightening of your stomach or you start bleeding or leaking fluid go to ER
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