
Baby fallen ? ?

by  |  earlier

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my baby crys when she is hungry and when i feed her breast she falls asleep... every single time. when she wakes up she wakes up hungry and angry.

can anyone tell me why she falls asleep




  1. She has a fully belly and is very comfortable and content after she eats.  Then when she wakes up she is hungry again.  Typical baby.

  2. How long does she sleep? She could still be tired when you get her up to feed and this is why she falls asleep on the breast. How often does she feed? I would make sure she's ready to get up first, maybe try resettling her and hopefully she's sleep a little longer and then when she does wake she should have a proper feed.

    You could try feeding her with out her top or bottoms, tickle her feet, talk to her. It will just be a vicious cycle otherwise.

    Good luck.

  3. all babies do is eat sleep and p**p totally normal dont worry i would worry if she did not eat

  4. because she feels safe and loved you are doing well to feed your baby yourself not a lot  of mothers do it these days good on you

  5. Maybe a few things 1 she could be too warm when feeding i always found take her legs out of her babygro if she falls asleep, 2 she could be just a fast feeder and a hungry one too she's feeding fast and is full but is a hungry baby so needs feeding as soon as she wakes up. my little boy feed really fast and always fell asleep while i fed him so i started while he fed and fell asleep i would then change his nappy and wash his hand and face that would wake him to finish his feed and get longer... depending on what age baby is and size maybe he needs to start on a little baby rice to fill him (i know i changed from Her to him just used to having a boy)

    good luck anyway the crying wont last forever  

  6. Breast milk contains a hormone that makes both mum and baby sleepy(have you ever noticed how tired you get too?), well a baby cant really control themselves and so cant stop themselves from going to sleep. A little trick I learnt to do was when either of my two fell asleep I would change their nappies, they would get uncomfortable and a little cold and would wake up and want to finish their feed, it works like a dream! try it and if you are still having problems I would me more than happy to chat to you about it all, just email me =)

    good luck x*x
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