
Baby frogs?

by  |  earlier

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I've got three baby frogs and i have no clues what to deed them can someone help me out on what to feed them. I don't know what kind they are eaither my song got them when we were camping last weekend. So i need help...




  1. ok i need to know what country your in and what the frogs look like and ill type u up a caresheet

    food = insects (earthworms crickets flies slugs)

    My last piece of advice is take them back where u found them/some similar to where u found them and release them. frogs can take a lot of care and time.

    Any tap water used must have an aquarium grade treatment added to it or be bottled spring water

    Please dont handle the frogs more than absolutely necessary frog absorb everything through there skin and the chemicals and salts produced by your skin can harm them make them ill or even kill them.

  2. mossies or any small bug like that
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