
Baby genetic problem and negigent doctors?

by  |  earlier

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i have recently had a new baby boy and my husband and i both love him very much. but to our shock and despear we see he has a genetic problem - he was born with no hair. the doctors have tried to tell us that it is normal but we know they are just saying that to make us feel better! even so it is still a lie!!!

is there any thing we can do to stop this sort of white lies among medical profesinals? i am an educated adult and i would like to be spoken to as one

thank you!!!




  1. wow thats pretty funny.  Normally posts like these don't make me laugh but this one did.  

  2. I am not sure where you received your education, but your spelling needs a bit of attention.  Yahoo!Answers makes it so easy because they pop up with a message that you've made a spelling error and give you the chance to use Spell Checker.  You have probably not been around many newborns, but bald babies are quite normal.  I am mom to 4 and 2 of mine were as bald as could be and I was bald as a baby as well.  My middle daughter didn't have much more than peach fuzz develop about 6 months old and no hair of any real consequence until well after a year old.  I have a niece who had no hair for 2 years - many people thought she was a cancer patient and had lost her hair due to treatments, but it just didn't grow.  She never had a hair cut until after she went to school.  Other babies are born with a beautiful head of hair but then it falls out.  That is normal, too.  Your son's doctors are not lying to you, not all babies are born with hair.

  3. major hospitals do have genetic counselors that can help you , try hospitals in New york city, chicago, and L.A. for help

  4. u shud not go 2 normal doctors as they cn lie 2 u like they r.

    take the baby to a Vet. they are trained for both humans AND animals so they know more and can help u get hair on ur babby

  5. I'd have to say to trust the doctors for now. Normally what little hair (if any) babies are born with rubs off within the first few weeks of life and they have just downy fuzz. Not even hair really. It really depends on how recently you had him and if theres any fuzz at all on his head. I wouldn't really go jumping to conclusions but if you really are worried I'd say to go to another doctor and get a second opinion. At least hes a boy though. Just think if it had been a girl born without hair? I wish you the best!

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