
Baby guppies, info please. :]]?

by  |  earlier

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I have a 20 gallon tank that is full for me, [14 inches of fish] I also have a 6 gallon tank with a filter. I'm thinking of getting a pregnant guppy. I know the 6 gallons is enough room but it does not have a heater, will I need a heater? And how long would I be able to keep the babies and the female guppy in the 6 gallon tank?

PS:// What do baby guppies eat. Thank you. :] Best answer gets the best answer reward. xD




  1. The first thing you need to know is mom will eat her babies unless there is a lot of hiding space.  Either use a lot of vegetation or you can put a lot of those scrubbers in that are like plastic mesh.  The key is to have openings big enough for the kids, not for mom.

    The babies will eat algae but I also fed them brine shrimp.  Yes you need to keep the temp of the tank up and at least a bubbler.  Actually, the faster you get mom out the more chance you have of raising the kids.

    ps:  They sell dividers for breeding guppies but I never had much luck with them, prefer the maze of plastic mesh- ugly but effective.  I was raising commercially so pretty was not an issue.

  2. I have guppy fry (30+) they are fairly easy to keep without a heater. Firstly make sure that your filter isn't strong enough to suck in the fish (even some box filters will suck them in.) And do regular water changes. Some pet stores sell guppy fry food. You can make your own out of egg yolk, or feed them cube worm, but you have to squish and squash the cube until th little worms are realsed. Make sure to feed the guppies, protein,(first 4 weeks is dedicated to bluid muscle! Hope this works. =]

    Good Luck! =] If you need more help u can ask me x] oh and buy a air pump, most guppies die because of lack of oxegean.

  3. they eat regualr fish food.

    Keep the mother sepreate from the babies i recomend getting a nursery to put in the tank.

    She'll have about 6 babies more or less depending on the fish.

    And After she gives birth you can move her back to the other tank if you want and let the babies stay in the 6 gallon.

    you might not need a heater but if the  water is cold you should get one.

  4. i have some guppy fry (babies) I'm my extra need a heater if your water isn't 70 degrees.if you leave the babies in the 20 gallon tank the fish will eat the fry.if you have plants the fry can hide in the plants or like decorations that babies can hide in. the fry eat something called hikari first bites.and trust me they eat it.

                    for more info email me at

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