
Baby hamsters????????/?

by  |  earlier

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do you seperate the boys from the girls?

if so when.

and when can you start giving them away.

my baby hammies will be 4 weeks thursday and i have a bunch of friends and family who want one, and i wanna know when can i give the babies away?




  1. 2 months old and you can seperate them by s*x and give them away. also, the people who say handling the babies is bad and the mother will eat them have never gone through this before. HANDLE the babies, get them used to human touch and smells. the mother will NOT eat or harm them if your scent is on them. this is not true.

  2. Bring them to the vet ask her what to do with them

  3. I believe its 2 months and you aren't supposed to touch them until then, otherwise the mother might eat them because of the smell.

    The only way you can tell the different sexes is by looking eat their bottoms, I believe boys butt and hoo -has (sorry) are further apart then the females.

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